ymcalogo.jpg (1179 bytes)YMCA Staffymcalogo.jpg (1179 bytes)

[National Secretary] - Treven Hendricks

[National Communications Director] - Michael Cuthbert

[National Youth Director] - Trevor Pedro

[National BLO Co-ordinator] - Mpumelelo Magwaza


All National office staff are employed by the National Executive of the South African National Council of YMCAs. As at 31 August 1999, six (6) staff were employed. All staff at a national level work under the guidance of the National Secretary, Treven Hendricks. With the huge diversity of the SA movement and the long distances between regions, the National Executive took a decision to decentralise the location of national office staff, thereby bringing a National office presence to each region. The National office is based in Braamfontein, Johannesburg with branch offices in Kwazulu/Natal, Western Cape and Eastern Cape. Following is a brief profile of each staff member;

National Secretary - Treven Hendricks              

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E-mail Address: treven@global.co.za

Treven joined the YMCA as National Secretary in November 1996. As a volunteer in the Cape Flats YMCA since 1989, Treven was soon appointed as Chairperson of the Western Cape Regional Council of YMCAs. From this position he familiarised himself with the diversity of the movement, nationally and internationally. This intimate knowledge of the movement has given him the confidence to face the many challenges of a growing movement with aggression and vision. Treven previously worked in the corporate sector. He has a son named Luke. Other interests include music and sport.

National Communications Director - Mike Cuthbert

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E-mail Address: ymcacom@mweb.co.za

Mike joined the movement as a full-time staff person in 1989 - pioneering the education project now known as the SEI or Supplementary Education Intiative. In 1993 he was appointed Regional Development manager of the Kwazulu/Natal YMCA and helped set up and develop the Better Life Options program - now a National program. In January 1998, Mike was appointed Program Director which merged into Communications Director as other National staff were employed to take over programs. Mike's main task now is the development of a National magazine, this Home Page, other publications relating to projects, technical assistance to other YMCA staff and is guiding the Self-Reliance program of the SA YMCA. He is married to Pauline and has four children named Cristy, Mike jnr, Tim and James. Other interests include music, computers, running (has completed over 15 marathons and 6 Ultra marathons) and surfing.

National Youth Director - Trevor Pedro

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E-mail Address: ymcanyd@mweb.co.za

Trevor worked in the Cape Flats YMCA before being appointed to this position. He is married to Frieda and has a son named Warren and a daughter. Trevor has previously worked for the Cape City Mission. He is based in the KZN office and is responsible for all National youth programs including the BLO program, Youth Intern program and the National Youth camp. Other interests include music.

National BLO Co-ordinator - Mpumelelo Magwaza

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E-mail Address: ncymca@global.co.za

In Sept. 1998, UNFPA agreed to fund this position.  Mpume was appointed in December 99. He has a background in youth development, having been responsible for a youth centre in Lamoutville under the anspices of the KZN Health Dept. He is married and has one child. Other interests include music.


National office adminsitrator - Lizelle

E-mail Address: ncymca@global.co.za


National Youth evelopment Administrator - Carol van Zyl

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E-mail Address: ymcanyd1@mweb.co.za


CArol has worked for the YMCA since 1992, first as a pre-school teacher in Amanzimtoti, then as admin assistant to Sipho Sokhela, who is now Chairperson of the National Council. In 1997 Carol became Regional Adminsitrator in KZN and in Janaury 1999 was appointed into her presnt position. She has an in depth knowledge of the YMCA in South Africa. Carol is a people's person with a strong developmental mindset. Carol is married to Robert and has a son named Jayson and a daughter, Wendy.

Other interests include movies and swimming in the sea.


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