Degree Programs Available Through Distance Education
Degree Programs Available Through Distance Education

Brevard Community College
Online, Cocoa, Florida, contact them at (407)632-1111 or e-mail them from their
counselor page
since they list numerous e-mail addresses to contact depending on the first letter of your
last name for more information on Brevard's Associate of Arts, and Associate of
Science on-line degree programs.
Caldwell College, Caldwell, New Jersey, contact Part-Time Admissions at 1(973)228-4424, extension
380 for information on their Business Administration, Communication Arts, Criminal Justice, English, History, International Business, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, and Social Studies External Degree Programs. Art, and the Computer Information system degrees have some on-campus requirements.
California College for Health Sciences, Online, contact them at, call them at 619-477-4800, or fill out their rapid request form for information form online. They offer Associates in Medical Transcription, Respiratory Therapy, Respiratory Technology, Electroencephalographic Technology, Early Childhood Education. Bachelors are offered in General Business, Accounting, Management, Finance, and Marketing. Masters are offered in Health Sciences (Community Health or Wellness Promotion), Healthcare Administration, Public Health, Business Administration in Healthcare. California College is nationally accredited by the Accrediting Commision of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC). The commission is listed by the US Department of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency.
California State University, Dominguez Hills, California, contact them through their website about their Humanities External Degree program.
Capella University formerly TGSA, contact them at about their on-line Masters Programs in Education, Human Services(Counselling Emphasis), Organization & Management, and Organization & Management(Communications Technology); Tutorial Masters (require seminar attendance unlike on-line masters) in Education, Human Services(Counselling Emphasis), and Organization & Management; Tutorial PhD program in Education (requires seminar attendance).
Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan, contact or 1(800)950-1144 information about their Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Arts, Master of Arts Humanities, Master of Science Administration, and Master of Arts in Education through an Extended Degree Program.
Charter Oak State College,Newington, Connecticut, contact, 1(860)666-4595, or fax them at 1(860)666-4852 for more information on the external degree programs leading to the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science.
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, contact BULLETIN@INDIANA.EDU or 1(800)334-1011 for more information on their Bachelor in General Studies Extended Studies degree.
James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, contact or 1(540)568-6147 for more information on their Bachelor in Individualized Studies Adult Degree Program. **Note: This college does not seem to have alot of distance courses available. Make sure you find out if this degree can be completed entirely through distance education or if certain classes have to be taken at local colleges/universities.
Judson College (a women's college), Marion, Alabama, contact or 1(800)447-9472 for more information on their many Adult Study Degrees available.
Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, contact them at or 1(800)424-9596 about the External Degree Programs that lead to an Associate of Arts in General Studies or Religion; a Bachelor of Science in Business (specifically accounting, finance, marketing, or management), General Studies, Psychology, or Religion; or a Masters of Arts in Counseling or Professional Counseling.**A MBA program coming fall 1998.
North Central University (NCU), Arizona, contact them at or call them at 1-800-903-9381. This university is a private distance learning institution offering programs from the bachelor through doctorate degree levels in business and psychology, providing adult learners anywhere in the world with the educational opportunity to acquire a body of knowledge in a recognized academic area or disciple; to develop intellectual, analytical and critical abilities; to foster values such as the commitment to pursue lifelong learning; to experience academic self-improvement and professional growth; and to earn academic degrees commensurate with their studies.
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, contact or 1(800)444-2420 for more information on their Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate of Individualized Studies, Associate of Applied Business, and Bachelor of Specialized Studies External Student Program.
Penn State, University Park, Pennsylvania, contact or 1(800)252-3592 for more information on their Associates in Business Administration, Letters Arts & Sciences, Dietetic Food Systems Management; and their Bachelor of Liberal Studies through Lionhawk Distance Degree Programs.
Regents College, Albany, NY, contact 1(518)474-3703 for more information on their many external degree programs.
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, contact or 1(800)926-SMWC for more information on their Associates in Early Childhood Education, General Business, Gerontology, Humanities, Paralegal Studies; and Bachelors in Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, Various Education Degrees **must live within 200 miles of campus, English, Gerontology, Human Resource Management, Human Services, Journalism, Marketing, Mathematics, Paralegal Studies, Psychology, Social Science/History, and Theology Women's External Degree Programs.
Seton Hall University contact them about their online programs at or call them at 1-888-SETON-WW concerning their Masters degrees in Education, Education/Catholic School Leadership, Counselling, or Work Life Ministry Certificate.
Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY, contact or 1(800)867-6007 for information on the BA and BS degrees offered in Liberal Arts, Performing Arts, and Pre-professional fields through their University Without Walls External Degree Program.
Southern California University for Professional Studies (SCUPS), Santa Ana, California, contact them at or 1-800-477-2254. SCUPS desires to deliver traditional academic post-secondary educational programs of study such as business administration, law, psychology, and management of engineering and technology through distance learning methodologies, thereby providing adult learners anywhere in the world with the educational opportunity to acquire a body of knowledge in a recognized academic area or disciple; to develop
intellectual, analytical and critical abilities; to foster values such
as the commitment to pursue lifelong learning; to experience academic
self-improvement and professional growth; and to earn academic degrees
commensurate with their studies from the associate's through the doctoral level. (State of California Approved)
SUNY/Empire State College, Saratogra Springs, NY, contact 1(800)468-6372 for more information on their Extended Degree Program.
Thomas Edison State College, Trenton, New Jersey, contact or 1(609)292-6317 for more information on their Pulbic Affairs Studies, Labor Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Business Management & Economics, Management, Accounting, Fire Service Administration Emergency Management, Human Services, Health Services Administration, and Criminal Justice External Degree Programs.
Troy State University, Montgomery, Alabama, contact them at (800)355-TSUM or through their webpage for more information on their External Degree Programs that lead to an Associate of Science in General Education or a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies.
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, contact INFO@EXD.NC.UA.EDU or 1(205)348-6000 to find out more about their BA and BS with a major concentration in the area of student educational interest External Degree Program. **The link to the Continuing Education page is not work to go to the UA CE page click here.
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, contact or 1(800)272-6430 for more information on their Bachelor of Liberal Studies Extended Degree Program.
University of Maine, Fort Kent, Maine, contact them at or through their website for information on their Behavioral Science External Degree Program.
Univerity of Maryland University College contact them at or through their online contact form about their online programs. They have Bachelor programs available in the following Accounting, Business, and Management Related Fields; Behavioral, Social, and Natural Sciences and Paralegal Studies; Communication, Arts, and Humanities; Computer and Mathematical Sciences; and Masters degrees available in Management, Computer Systems Management, Environmental Management, International Management, Software Engineering, Technology Management, Telecommunications Management, Business Administration (State approval expected May 1999), MGA to MS in Management.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, contact them through their website about their Extended Degree Program for a Masters in Social Work.
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, contact them at FMCS080@UNLVM.UNL.EDU or at 1(402)472-2913 for information on their Extended Degree Program leading to a Masters in Human Resources/Family Sciences.
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota, contact or 1(800)342-8230 for more information on their Bachelor of Business Administration or Corporate Engineering and their 5 different graduate level External Degree Programs.
University of Phoenix, call 1(800)388-5463 or use their on-line request for more information on their site if you want to know more on their online degree programs for undergraduate degrees in Associate of Arts in General Studies, Bachelor of Science in Business / Administration, Bachelor of Science in Business / Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Business / Management, Bachelor of Science in Business / Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Business / Project Management; or their graduate programs for a Master of Arts in Organizational Management, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration in Technology Management, Master of Business Administration in Global Management, Master of Science in Computer Information Systems.
University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, Colorado, contact or 1(800)388-6154 for more information on their Bachelor in Social Sciences External Degree Program.
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, contact for more details on their External Doctor of Pharmacy program done jointly with Washington State University. To learn more about their Extended Degree Program leading to a Master of Public Health, go to the School of Public Health's homepage.
University of Wisconsin, Multicampus, Wisconsin, contact them at 1(920)456-2423 about their Extended Degree Program leading to a Bachelor's in General Studies with an Individualized Emphasis as well as other programs that vary according to campus.
University of Wisconson-River Falls, Wisconsin, contact them through their website about their Extended Degree Program to get a Bachelors in Agricultural Business or Broad Area Agriculture.
Walden University, Bonita Springs, Florida & Minneapolis, Minnesota, contact or 1(800)237-6434 for more information on their graduate level External Degree Programs.
Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, contact EDP@WSU.EDU or 1(800)222-4WSU for more information on their BA in Social Sciences, BA in Criminal Justice, BA in Human Development, BS in Agriculture (under approval), Master of Engineering Management, External Doctor of Pharmacy Extended Degree Programs. WSU and the University of Washington have an External Doctor of Pharmacy program. If you wish to know more about the WSU/UW External Doctor of pharmacy program, go to either UW's homepage listed above or to WSU's College of Pharmacy Homepage.
Click here if you wish to look at some possible links of interest to distance learners.
Click here if you want to look at my list of things you should do before choosing and applying to a distance degree program.
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NOTE: Please send the names of United States of America's colleges or universities not listed here that have external or extended degree programs at my e-mail account. Thank you for your help!
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