EmprsShade 's Home Page

WOW.. I STILL need to update this page... =)

This page is mainly an archive of the many tounry's I've been to since I started play LQ some many years ago.

I hope that everyone enjoys the pictures and for those of you that were in them, I hope they remind you of all the fun we had.
Anyway, off you go!! SHOOOO I say =)
Why are still just reading this when there are pic's to see? =)

You can view the many pic's I have from previous Tourny's, under "men posing for you"....

If you are wanting to know who this page belongs to, check out "Who the heck does this page belong to"

If you want to just look at something... check out "look at this"...
OK.. that's enough of that.. have fun!!!!

Want to see several studly men posing just for you?

Then take a look at these guys

It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me. So you can't see me, no, not at all.
 In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention, Well secluded, I see all.

Who the heck does this page belong to???!!!???

Are you bored, and don't know what to look at???
then look at this

For those of you who haven't played LaserQuest before ...take a look...
here ya go

Hey...I wanna push my opinion on you.. so go look!!!
Great Tunes!!!

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The Offical LaserQuest website

See, you aren't the first to suffer here =)

Do you have anything meaningful, interesting, or exciting to say??? If so, drop me an E-mail

This LaserQuest Ring site is owned by Shade.

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