Personal Page


This is my beloved Mother, Mary,
If ever there was a Angel on earth,
it was her.
No kinder or gentler or sweeter soul
has ever been born.
She was beautiful inside and out.
Her Beauty radiated in all ways.

This is my darling daughter Wendi.
(My mother and my daughter,
both, had and have,
the face of an angel, and the soul of one too)

I am the link missing between Mom & Wendi
so here is a picture of me too when I
was about the same age they are in these pictures.
I have 3 nick names, JJ or Mickey or Jeani.

This is Wendi's son and my grandson,
now at 4 years old.
He's a very sweet boy.
That makes 4 generations of us on this page.

This is my Dad talking to me on the phone
not long before he died

In loving memory of
My Mother Mary, who passed away 9-2-1975
My father, George, who passed away 12-2-1996
My brother Jerry, who passed away 3-16-1999
My brother Dick, who passed away 1-12-2001

Below is a globe of Wendi's baby that
she made when he was 4 mos old.
He is sticking out his tongue.
I love it !! Thank you Wendi!!

I sure do thank God for pictures. It is as close as we
can get to our loved ones who have passed on.
You could walk a million miles, and never see their smile again,
with out those pictures that you hold dear to your heart.

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