By the late 1930's, Fairmont Railway Motors and most other motor coach makers built their last series of cars. Actually, motor coaches could probably be purchased today, if one was willing to pay, but the real need for them had disappeared as did the marginal routes and the train traveling public. The coaches shown here and those by the dwindling number of companies in the industry are the last gasp, shortly to be replaced by buses and trucks.

Fairmont replaced the 2000 series motor coaches in 1936. The new models were available in 4 sizes and were available with optional engines, colors and seating arrangements.

This 1100 model "inspection" or "party" coach was 11'5 long, 7' wide and had a 66" wheel base. It seated 6 (including driver) weighed 4170 pounds or 2165 pounds if ordered without a body. All 4 doors were hinged at the front. This helped the doors swing open as the coaches hydraulic 4 wheel brakes were applied. The standard color was a light yellow body, aluminum roof and black running gear. The body was sheet steel over a white ash frame.

The chassis was the same as the one used on the A6 series B motor car. It used a Ford 80 h.p. V-8 engine and was available in any gauge down to 36"


All the leather seats except the "secretaries seat" at the left rear were reversible.

The 3100 series Motor coach was 15'6" long and 8'6" wide. It was powered by a Waukesha 72h.p. engine. A Ford 90h.p. V-8 engine was optional. It seated 7 and / or carried 5000 pounds on its 20" wheels. The cow catcher was solid sheet steel with stripes painted on to mimic a more conventional design. This was one feature that allowed this coach to sell for under $2,000.

The 5101 series Motor coach was the largest coach Fairmont actually produced. It was designed as a passenger and express coach. The forward section carried 12 passengers and the rear compartment had a 2000 pound 14' cargo area.

The coach was powered by a 110h.p. Waukesha engine and had air brakes.