These are the lines of script that I write with little explanations on the suject of the poem and a little backstory.

Poems for the Mind

  • "But For Some Paper"- This is a Shakspearean Sonnet about my search for adequate materials to write all I need to about "her."
    But for some paper, I'd do if I could

  • "Ohh to be a Renaissance Man"- A nice wishful thinking poem about the search for the all around Renaissance Man.
    Felicitous Salutations / Ohh wondrous Renaissance Man

  • "Silky Long Confinement"- An Hexameter Poem devoted to a certain alluring aspect of the female existence.
    Your Silky Long Confinement is known the whole world round.

  • "Silky Long Confinement II"- Shakespearean Sonnet again brushing the special properties of a female's power.
    Silk Long Confinement, to you I am bound.

  • "Wish"- Does not Life itself extend from our bad choice in wishes?
    The world would not be shining / If you should grant my wish

  • "To Make a Star"- Dragons, Fantasy, Wizards, Knights are all gone. All these rolled up into one little era and placed in the night sky as "One Bright Star"
    I sit down and mourn the passing of power ... Ohh to return to thy glorious hour

  • "Smile"- What can be more enchanting than the smile of the one you love? Her happiness makes you happy.
    But one single part, above all the rest

  • "Sunset"- The sunset, a wonder of nature, turns the sky thousands of colors. These spread out over the land to fill the world with the unbleached liveliness of red, orange, and violet.
    Waiting for the sunrise, I sit to see the day

  • "Nothing"- A balad for lovers, a tribute to the loved
    Nothing I have is greater than you. / Would you please help me in all that I do.

  • "Think Before you Act"- Just a simple request. Put some thought into it. A poem filled with angst
    What to me would that Nightingale do?

  • "Today"- A tribute to the most important day
    Today is a day like no other day, / For Yesterday is past, / And Tomorrow won't be the last.

  • "Bleak"- A word to the wise: guard your soul as your greatest treasure
    What a life, so black, / When kept up like a loo. / Guard phrases that they speak / So that yard is not you.

  • "Each"- This is the way of the world: What goes down, must come up
    Each day opens with sunrise / And in the end, sunset.

  • "Have you Met My Daughter"- Umm, well, this is pretty straight forward
    I still can't believe he said that.

  • "Hopes"- Hopes and dreams, and other things no one but us knows about
    Dreams, the only place I'm with you.

  • "Love at First Sight"- Ahh yes, does it exist? Is it just a starting point?
    It doesn't exist they say. / Just an illusion of the psyche. / But I throw all that away when I look at you.

  • "Old Love, Young Love"- It never changes in substance, just focus, right?
    Be my last love, forever in time. / That we may be together for eternity.

  • "Privacy"- Aloneness, solidarity, survival, essential
    I care not what you do. / I care not what you say.

  • "She is, I am Not"- What is the point of life without something to fill the void? To achieve perfection with your Better half?
    Yes, she is my muse. / The muse that has inhabited.

  • "Shift One Over"- Take another set of experiences and twist it to your own system. Twist your system to another experience
    What would it bee like to have a different view?

  • "Someone's Treasure"- What can you say of someone's worth?
    Some little thing may be a great thing.

  • "Sword of the Angels"- Might makes right when armed with truth
    These are the armors of the Angels / When fighting injustice for truth.

  • "The Fascination of the Abomnination"- How interesting the time of change in Man is, but why do we glorify in loss of innocence?
    What enjoyment we have when we see this go. / It is our curse, the fascination of the abomination.

  • "Through"- Why does not MY silence entail truth?
    I love you more than you can tell, / Yet I've told you naught of it.

  • "Visualization"- Extrapolation of thought
    We thought through the rest and the truth was found near.

  • "War"- How Worthless
    It makes me sad

  • "Your Skull"- Get it through your skull you idiot!
    They fought against me fulfilling my dream. / But I was the one who gave them the fight.

  • Songs for the voice

  • "Starla"- A lyrical poem of a lost love, abscence makes two hearts grow apart.
    Fonder I grew and further you left, Starla

  • "Urban Hymn"- a song/poem about love in our world, kind of saucy.
    We speak of love that fades away / Repeated words of Urban Hymns

  • Note: If you woild like to write music for any of these songs, e-mail me at
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