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This is the lighter side of Rifts: Archangel. Poems, Drawings, Thoughts and Essays of Mayor of Rifts: Archangel- Daniel Hill

Thoughts from the mind. Visions of Love, Lust, Need, and Want appear and disappear in this voyage into the mind of the creator. Prepare yourself for the trip into Rifts: ArtAngel

Just to begin...

Many on women (ladies them all),
Silky long hair or a smile, I'm in thrall.
But glancing on parchment which I have inscribed,
Of movements and feelings of those I describe.
Remember, you'll feel these emotions in time.
The sound of farmhouse machinery combine.
These poems, I mean, when seen all in whole,
Give pictures of me, a window on my soul.

1: Poetry- Love, Lust, Needs, and Wants in this modern world of Chaos
2: Essays- Organized thought on the Choas, Order, and Modernization of This and Rifts Earth
3: Song Lyrics- Some of my favorite songs laid out in text.
4: Thoughts on Love- Pleas for help from a Teenager in love
5: Links- to other artist Pages and my pages
6: Rifts: ArchAngel- Back to the world of surety. A large surface devoid of Grey Areas

Author's note:
Before you read these pages, remember that I wrote them. I have my own meaning that I pull out and remember. You do not have those same memories. Extract your own meaning. Extract your own memories. For I have promises to keep / and miles to go before I sleep.

To respond, submit some of your own work, or give commentary on the essays, E-Mail me @: The_Archangel_16@usa.net, Sign My Guestbook or View My Guestbook
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