Welcome, my friends to my humble poetry page   My Name is Tim . I was born on 03Nov71 (You do the math lol ) . The best way to describe myself  would be  a die hard Romantic poet from Nashua, N.H.. Some of my interest include: skiing, skydiving, hiking, swimming ,camping and  Poetry Writting

Here Are some of the works i have created i hope you enjoy them

Well hummmm I don't have a clue what else to write about my self so I will just give ya the basics and if you want to learn more about the man behind this great web page feel free to send me a quick line or two at my handy dandy email button thingy Up at the Top of the page.

Well to start the story I am a son of a pilgrim family who survived ww2 in the underground bunker......ok ok so you want the truth because you relise that I am nooooo were near the age of living during ww2 so I grant you 2 points*Crowd cheers* so you been paying attention good now for the truth I was born and raised in CT.(Conneticut for all you international surfer people.) Where my family still resides. I have one Brother and one Sister and one mom and one dad (Well i think you knew that part already )and all of the above are older than me (well i guess you knew at least two of the four were older than I )  

 Well the day after graduating from High school I enlisted in the U.S. Army where i did a five year tour i got to jump out of airplanes ( I know i know.....why jump out of a perfectly good airplane......believe me i heard that one many time lol )

I was stationed in Germany for two years (Oktoberfest BAAAAABBBYYYYY) Hence where i got my handle Shizkoph (2 more points if you can guess what it means ....and yes i know it is misspelled)

After being stationed in Germany I was stationed at Fort Devens, Ma. After finishing my enlistment in the Army I decided not toreenlist and decided to move to N.H. (From life of bullets and jumping out of planes to counting moose patties was a drastic change in my life lol )

Well I been out of the Army now for Little over three years since I been out of the Army I worked a few tempory Jobs as an Electronics Technician. (For all of you working out there in a Temporay position all I have to say is get out of that rut)

Now I am currently Employed at a Catholic liberal arts school  (Saint Anselm College) as the IT department Media Center Director. For the first time in my life I can actually say I like my job. I get to play with tons of cool toys like dj equipment Theater sound equipment ect....

At the moment i am in the begining stages of making my own business undertaking.. I'm currently making plans to start my own DJ company and hope to have it up and running by the end of the summer if not early autumn

Well that is my life in a nutshell if you like to know more send me and email :) have a great day and thanks for reading my life lol

Have a great surf

