Welcome to Don Binkowski's Guestbook!

Roman W. Ulman - 12/22/00 23:49:36
My Email:RWUlman@aol.com

Don, Loved reading your webpages. Very interesting. Glad we are using the technology to communicate. Will be back soon. Roman

R. Slomaj - 12/01/00 17:02:46

I think your site is excellent, particularly in its uniqueness and as a starting point to spark interest in this area. Do you have any additional information on the names, organizations, and publications involved in the labor movement? If so, it would be great to add that to your site.

Alex Modelski - 11/23/00 23:26:08
My Email:alex@oz.net

Don, Good work. Please note that the first strike in what is now the US was carried out by Polish glass workers in colonial Jamestown!

Ken Dvorak - 10/24/00 23:57:48
My URL:http://www.pointsnorthresearch.com
My Email:DvorakKR@aol.com

Don, Interesting site! Lets stay connected via email as I enjoy our mutual interest in labor history. Ken

- 10/24/00 23:25:29

However, if you are ever in Bridgeport, our historical collection has old city directories and newspaper clippings that might be helpful. I looked at your web site and found it interesting. Thanks for the feedback on our site. M. Witkowski

Edward Czarnecki - 10/17/00 17:36:09

Thanks for contacting me about your web site. Particularly like the idea of setting up a list of Polish American Labor leaders. Unlike other nationalities - Irish, Jewish etc. - not much has been written/compiled about Polish-Americans.

Mark Rosenzweig - 10/12/00 18:01:20
My Email:iskra@earthlink.net

An important resource preserving the memory of the radicalism and labor militance of Polish-Americans, something which, with the end of the Cold War, should once again become an inspiration to new generations seeking social change.

Mark Lause - 09/28/00 12:29:11
My URL:/CollegePark/Quad/6460/index.html
My Email:lause@worldnet.att.net

Don, Fantastic work. This is a great site, very informative on a subject that's both extremely important and regrettably slighted. Keep up the good work. Solidarity! Mark

John M Bates - 08/11/00 01:27:50
My Email:dbates@onetel.net.uk

Just dropped by to bookmark your page. It's very early over here, so I'll return to take a closer look later. I'm very pleased to see the Polish Left traditions covered. I'll be in touch over the other matters. Best wishes, John Bates

P. Jinkins - 07/25/00 21:19:06
My Email:pjx4@mail.psu.edu

You present an extensive account of the Polish Left. Will send more information about the Baalch INstitute and other possible journals.

Jack R. Badura - 07/21/00 13:45:07
My URL:http://www.jrbadura.com
My Email:jrbadura@mindspring.com

Dear Don, It is very nice WEB SITE. I have a good friend who helped me with design and installation of my Site. He left the Company but I will locate him and see what the situation is. He is extremely good and will work with you for a small fee. All the best. Jack

R. Papandria - 07/05/00 21:49:04
My Email:on line soon

Glad that you are enjoying your retirement and engaging in productive work that aids ethnicity.

Konrad Biedul - 05/26/00 15:58:15

I am happy to visit your site, congratulations.

Jim - 04/13/00 12:00:34
My Email:mediashp@aol.com

I took a look at your web page, and can't say much except it appears to be exhaustively researched. I wouldn't be able to critique it intelligently.

G. Surowiec - 03/29/00 00:00:06
My Email:GSurowiec@aol.com

Cool. Who designed it. Great Polish Eagle. Do an artical for the Polish Weekly and include the web cite. I'm sure that they will run it. I'll suggest that we include you web page address in the newsletter but you should make the request yourself in writing to PAC/MI - Newsletter, 11333 Jos Campau, Hatramck MI 48212.

Lonnie chester - 03/06/00 17:07:27
My Email:tisme1@home.com


Author, Don Binkowski - 10/22/99 20:24:47
My Email:donb@ioa.com

In over a year that this web page has been on the internet, no one has contacted me to nominate any of their worker parents, relatives or descendants to Polonia's Worker Hall of Fame.

- 09/05/99 13:29:45


Ronald Modras - 08/17/99 14:57:12

Congratulations on bringing some important, little known, facts to public attention.

Zbigniew Brzezinski - 07/26/99 01:27:50
My Email:zbrz@hoya.edu

Dear Mr. Binkowski, I find your site quite interesting, especially the material on socialists. I wonder if you could augment your bibliographic references so that the scholars among your audience can follow up your interesting insights. Sincerely, ZB

george adams - 07/22/99 21:10:58

hey, just visited yer site, not bad at all ;-), i also saw yer reference to cyberthrill on your site, and wanted to let you know that CYBERTHRILL.COM IS A SCAM, everyone knows about it. Check out http://bizops.bizhosting.com cause it has details on the scam and links to HONEST COMPANIES for makin money on th net, for ads and for surfing etc... i would advertise for the honest companies listed at http://bizops.bizhosting.com IF I KNEW how to build a web site ;-) lol. man, even forbes and znet like, have articles about the cyberthrill.com scam, there is a link to it on the site AND remember that cyberthrill.com also trades under the names casinofantasy.com, CashforClicks.com, animecasino.com, avatarcasino.com, casinocamelot.com, casinocircuit.com, casinoclassic.com, casinodesire.com, memberpro.com, casinospice.com, sportsknight.com, elkasys.com and they are all owned by IEECORP.COM (Internet Entertainment Enterprises Inc.). www.hackology.com designed a program to destroy them, it already overflooded their server from over 2.5 million (2,500,000) FAKE members, check it out at www.hackology.com . DON'T FORGET MAN go to http://bizops.bizhosting.com .

J. TYE - 05/30/99 14:17:05
My Email:JTye359686@aol.com

Dear Don, Your site is very informative, much needed and undoubtedly will be appreciated by many. This could serve as a basis for a much needed work on the Polish community of Detroit, their political history, their union involvement. Please consider the idea. Keep up the good work!

J. TYE - 05/30/99 14:13:59
My Email:JTye359686@aol.com

Dear Don, Your site is very informative, much needed and undoubtedly will be appreciated by many. This could serve as a basis for a much needed work on the Polish community of Detroit, their political history, their union involvement. Please consider the idea. Keep up the good work!

Jim Tye - 05/30/99 12:52:05
My Email:JTye356986@aol.com

Hi Don Great Site! Very informative, fascinating and interesting. This could serve as a basis for a much needed work on the Detroit Polonia? Please consider the idea. Keep up the good work! Jim Tye

Jim Tye - 05/29/99 19:10:27
My Email:JTye356986@aol.com

Hi Don Great site and very informative. Keep up the good work! This could serve as the basis for a fascinating work on the Poles of Detroit. Please consider the idea. Jim Tye

Jim Tye - 05/29/99 19:08:25
My Email:JTye356986@aol.com

Hi Don, Great site, and very informative. Keep up the good work. Your vast store of knowledge could be an excellent basis for a future book on the Poles of Detroit. Please consider that idea. Jim Tye

J. Cherry - 05/13/99 13:12:13
My Email:With my children

Don, it seems since Pershing High, you have not changed much. Still rabble rousing? The Devil's Advocate? I guess that we need to be reminded, at times.

M. Fudali - 05/10/99 17:40:44
My Email:getting one

Drogi Pan Binkowski: Very interesting. I am impressed. More to follow.

Y. B. Modelski - 05/07/99 15:30:10
My Email:getting one

In America there is something for everyone. The Peasant Party was an active, driving force in Polish politics. It will be interesting to see how the Solidarnosc movement will increase or decrease membership in the trade union movement.

Mrs. Beth Ann Elder - 05/06/99 16:52:47
My Email:not important

Dear Dad, Real impressive but I must leave for Grandmother Hromek's funeral with Donna, who is here on a visit. Mom left yesterday for Detroit. Will get back to your web page.

James Hickey - 05/05/99 20:01:35
My Email:forgot

Don, you sure keep busy. Wish that I had your patience and determination. It sure took a lot of time and effort to accumulate all of these names. Best of luck!!!!!!!!

Zbigniew Frank - 05/04/99 05:19:00
My Email:z_frank@mailcity.com

Let me introduce myself. I'm an organizer of NOT WELCOME Committee, that did everything possible to stop gen. Jaruzelski and Kiszczak from arriving to USA. I red most of the letters you exchange with Mr. Krupinski, so I have some opinion about your percep ion of events in Poland and conference at the UoM. Unfortunately you are wrong in estimating of number of communists participating at the conference. The former members of Comm.Party are comrades: Kwasniewski, Reykowski, Ciosek, Rakowski and Michnik (?). In addition a number of journalists belong to the same group. comrade Maciej Wierzynski, the long time top communist journalist and presently the dire tor of Warsaw office of Voice of America. Mr. Portter was in Poland setting in Mariott Hotel and looking through the window on the Poles running to work in crowded busses or street cars. I thing that only one way to understand what happened in Poland is to go there and live for a six months. But ith some restrictions. Take as much money as average salary of Polish worker plus the difference between cost of hotel and rent paid by worker. Use the busses and street cars to move around the city, go to by grocery, shoes, cloths. Just live as an averag Pole. Then we can start discussion again. Sincerely, Zbigniew Frank P.S. I have a plenty of books about Solidarity strugle, but all of them are in Polish. If you want I'll send you same of them

Jim Masskey - 05/02/99 00:14:03
My Email:none

Today, let's sing the "Internationale" in memorial to all of the fallen workers all over the world. Even PNCC Bishop Hodur sang the Czerwony Standarsz. Social justice is a forgotten concept. Let's remember it today to celebrate the memory of all worker everywhere.

J. Domka - 04/23/99 20:01:31

Dear Don, This is sure different. I don't know if everyone will be able to understand it since I don't. We'll give you an "A" for effort

The Selimajs - 04/14/99 16:48:14

Great job!!!!! The Albanians should have something like this because, like the Poles, we are workers. We'll follow your progress

Jack R. Badura - 04/08/99 16:28:02
My URL:http://www.jrbadura.com
My Email:jrbadura@mindspring.com

Very impressive site. Would put a link to it on my personal site, granted you permit it. Jack

T. Ziglinske - 03/30/99 17:04:20

I hope I am not intruding but would like to ask you about the background of the name Burski listed as a member of Polonia's Labor Hall of Fame in your Polish Americans in American Unions web page to see if there is relevance to my genealogical studies.
L. Swieczkowska - 03/28/99 17:57:00

Don, I liked your site and I hope you get lots of hits. You did a good job of interesting a visitor so they would stay and read. NICE WORK!

- 03/27/99 13:28:53
My Email:magdalena.sterley@tratek.se


Karen Majewski - 02/24/99 04:42:10
My Email:profkaren@aol.com

Hey, Don. Wasn't able to download the pics for some reason, but reading through the text should be enough to keep me busy for awhile! By the way, I enjoyed reading your piece on Mary Zuk in the Hamtramck history book.

Greg Kowalski - 02/04/99 18:19:04

I checked out your web site. Great stuff. We need to keep in close contact. I'd like to use you as a resource for the Hamtramck Historical Commission.

- 02/04/99 17:32:11


J. Radzialowski - 02/02/99 14:41:35

I did review your site and liked it.

J. Drogas - 12/11/98 20:12:23
My Email:cjgal@hotmail.com

Don, hope that "red" is not catchy. Glad that the Cold War is over so you won't be accused as a Red.

Ernest Wojtowicz - 12/08/98 15:10:19
My Email:none

Frankly, it's above me but it sure does show a lot of research. Whatever you're trying to do, I hope that you succeed.

Chris Galbraith - 12/03/98 14:46:07
My Email:landcg@concentric.net

Great job! It shows a great deal of research and thought. Keep up the good work.

10/26/98 06:43:05
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Frank Koscielski - 10/16/98 01:28:03
My Email:Fkoscie@cll.wayne.edu

Well done Don. I think your website is pretty cool looking and really colorful. It is informative as well. I would be glad to share what information I have on the Koscielski name including coat of arms etc. Yes chances are if our names end with ski th t we are of noble extraction. This sort of doesn't square with our leftie inclinations but there it is. Anyhow, why would you be drawn and quartered? There doesn't seem to be anything offensive here. Frank

john guzlowski - 10/14/98 18:02:38
My Email:cfjzg@eiu.edu

Don, I took a look at your pages and found them very impressive. I'm not a specialist on labor movements but found what you have here very informative, especially the church's position on labor movements. I didn't know it held these views. In terms of a brutal, honest evaluation, I think that all I can say is that the initial introduction (where you mention your name, etc.) seems less professional than the rest of what you present in the body of your work. I might think about changing that opening. j hn guzlowski

Albin Wozniak - 08/30/98 20:45:33
My URL:http://members.aol.com/polstnewsl/
My Email:polstnewsl@aol.com

well done

patrick killough - 08/27/98 14:21:54
My Email:killswan@ioa.com

Don, congratulations on your labor of love. Poland, like Oklahoma, has a geography inviting the sweep of cultures, languages and traditions. Look forward especially to your thoughts on Polish interaction with Lithuania and Austria. ad multos annos! Patric

William LeFevre - 08/24/98 17:33:37
My Email:William.LeFevre@Wayne.edu


George E. Montgomery - 08/22/98 04:28:23
My URL:http://www.montgomery.org
My Email:georgeem@industrynet.net

Hi Don: Interesting web page. I don't think I have it all deciphered as yeht. George E. Montgomery

Chris and Molly - 08/21/98 19:17:24
My Email:ckersten@henderson.lib.nc.us

Hi, Molly and I are presently looking at your web- site...now you have to admit much is under construction, so...okay...Molly likes the fuschia color...I'm not so sure...my sunglasses are in my purse...she says she can tell it's a Yankee's pg alright...(ha,ha)...but seriously, we'll check back when you have more info...you seem to have the right idea; so carry on--DO NOT BE AFRAID!

Anthony J. Guarnieri - 08/20/98 00:53:15
My URL:http://guarnieri.com
My Email:anthony@guarnieri.com

Hello Don,,, Very informational Web Page on the "History Of Polish American Labor"... My Wife Janice { Jenka } is from Polish descent..looking forward to more information on this subject of Polish American Labor History....

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