
I've never met anyone, before or since I met June, with the intensity of fire
she has in her hands. I was extremely impressed and relaxed by her work, yet
not so relaxed as to miss noticing the fire in her heart and mind. Though one
of the most opinionated women I know, her opinions I have often listened to
and been influenced by. She works not just on the body, but the mind and
spirit as well. There are flashes of genius in her work, each and every
minute, as she subtley drains the pain and replaces it with wonder.

Love, Light, & Blessings with Joy,


I felt like there were more than two hands on me...

Like there were four hands on me.



From an actor par excellence and in the days before a table...

June lay me on the floor, ground every triggerpoint in my musculoskeletal
system till i thought I was an electrical conduit and for a delicious, long
while afterward I lay on my back in wonder at the incongruous feeling that
my body was made of lead while I felt I had to move my face to the side to
keep from bashing my nose on the ceiling. Hmmm. Floating lead. WOW!
Better than drugs, better than booze (and, yes, Lauren, better than

June is an amazingly original person with more than infrequent flashes of
brilliance. Seriously, She is crackling with energy like a live wire. And
scary in the same way. And man o man can she massage a body. You should
call her and give her your money for a massage. Also, I like the fact
that, in all of my life I've been slipping German into my sentences and
most people gloss over it, not even noticing that I've said something
odd... but June hones in on that like she has a weirdness radar... or
maybe she is just listening where others are not. Randy aka



Joe Walsh said: 'I feel like I'm a guitar and June's
Jimi Hendrix playing me"


"You're something else." Tom Robbins


"Come massage my friends." Marshall Faulk
