The image shows the 17 components of Rietveld's chair. They are easy
to manufacture and assemble. But it should be indicated that Rietveld
makes production not so easy as he pretends taking into consideration that
painting the far ends of rods in a different color is no simple task in
mass production. Neither is the mounting of so many different parts. Actually
the red-blue chair is a typical artisanal product, as many other designs
of the so-called *rational* furniture of the *Modern Movement*. |
Peirce's Rhematic Indexical Legisign
Peirce defines this sign as follows:
(it) is any general type or law, however established,
that requires each instance of it to be really affected by its Object in
such a manner as merely to draw attention to that Object. (CP.2.259)
Merrell explains further:
It embodies information in the form of an assertion of some
sort about some existent. This existant, as an object having now taken
on a value - albeit still vague - developes towards a subject. (note 1)
It has, as an index, a *character which it would not have if its object
did not exist, but which it will continue to have just the same wether
it is interpreted as a representamen or not *(CP. 5.37)
Such is the case of the manufacturing environment. This entices all the
complicated aspects of industrial organisation, marketing, product planning,
engeneering, producing and distributing. Without entering in the details
of such a program we can indicate the essentials in the relations between
price (and thus costs), functions and esthetics of the product, which,
all of them reflect the whole of the industrial environment (and more).
A synoptic representation of these relations is shown on my page
on marketing.
In the Cabbalah, the sign is called Geburah or Judgement
Gareth Knight explains:
The attributions of Geburah are almost all martial ones...Geburah.is
basically a Sephirah of adjustment and assessment: it is a sphere of absolute
and unmitigated Truth...... the analytical and corrective work of Geburah
can best be done on the level of the human being functionaing at the height
of his powers. (note2)
In any adjustment that is made it is necessary to pull down and tear
apart the aspects concerned and then to replace them in correct alignment.
The force of Geburah is one which, possibly above all others, need calm
and detachment in its application. (note 3)
This is what actually happens whence a designer suggests his idea , in
the form of sketches, a model or even a working prototype, to a potential
producer. The management of the industry will scrutinize accurately the
design and the interest that it might eventually arouse on the market,
as well as the relation between the neccesary investment to its power to
generate profits. In other words the design is judged and tested on its
vitality. Industry has this tremendous power of truth. This does not mean
that their judgment is always correct as many designers can testify. |
The next page is about the significance
of details, such as joints |
Back to the page on design analysis |