Rainbow Aura of Cambodia

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Photo © by Bruce Sharp, 1991

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Okay, now that I've exhausted you with the facts, let me take you to the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. This is a city of creativity and romance.

From one corners to another, there are different angles of style from French-colonial architecture to Parisian outlooks. As you wake up to the glorious rays of sunlight, Phnom Penh is a great place for early risers. Scenic view of rows of palm trees are scattered while Cambodian people of all colors roam the surroundings. Restaurants and street carts are all open for services. Places for sight seeing are these: the Royal Palace (richly decorated); the National Museum (fills with anicient and modern arts); then there is a famous mountain, Phnom (Phnom means Mountain). This is where the origination of Phnom Penh had all began and last but not least, the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, where Cambodia's tragic nightmare has over shadowed its paradise. Like any city, Phnom Penh is the most advanced city within Cambodia.

Now, enough of the city life, let us visit the country side. The country side is a long and uncultivated territory. There are about twenty providences in Cambodia. The largest ones are Battambang, Kompong Cham, Kompong Som, Kompong Thom and Siem Reap. People are much more family oriented and the land are used for rice plantations and other natural resources. In the country side people are dressed in a more traditional (casual) clothes. There are lots of wilderness and crops plantation. Time is much more relaxed, yet people work hard for a living.