Welcome to WriteDragon

The Home Page of Mitchell D.Spiros


Tribute in writing!

Well, now I have Seven pages.Click either ball below, for corresponding page!

A Writer's PrayerTender SeedFlyingValentine DayA Bonding In NatureBabyI've Met The Sun

(Multimedia Poetry)

"This site is for entertainment and relaxation. It consists of multimedia poetry."

I tried to create a full rich multimedia experience(Sound, Images and Content)for the viewer, when I made my pages. Sound being an intricate part of that experience! I've added links to "Crescendo"and"Beatnik"for that purpose. If you have trouble hearing the background music? Go there and download Free browser Plug-ins to enable this feature.

I use both "Microsoft Internet Explorer" and "Netscape Navigator" for browsers. I've come to find out that "Explorer" offers the best viewing for my pages. So, now you will also find a link to "Microsoft" on this page. Also, sorry about the Pop-Ups (The price of free hostings). Just click on the right top corner of the Pop-Ups, to clear the screen!

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