These are a few links to some of my favorite areas. I will be adding more as time goes on. Please feel free to check these out! Thanks! - A great place to look for a book. If you can't find it in any book store, chances are you can find it here!

Psychic Sylvia Browne's Church - Website for Sylvia Brown, world reknowned psychic. She has had many appearances on the Montel Williams show and is very impressive. She has also started her own church, one which focuses on God's love for us and not his "punishments". If you aren't getting what you need from your religious beliefs, give her page a look, it will be worth you while!

George Anderson's Home Page. - This is the phenomenal man who can talk to the souls of those who have passed over. If you have been to my suggested reading page you will see that I have his books listed there. This site is really good as are his books!!

A.R.E. Inc. - Website for the Edgar Cayce organization:Association for Research and Enlightenment. An EXCELLENT place to get all kinds of good info about Cayce and his readings. You can also test your ESP!! Give it a try, you might be surprised at the results!

New Age - Want to know more about the spiritual movement and its related topics? Start here! Also from - Another neat site to check out all types of spiritual things!They list me too!

Palmistry - Have you ever wondered about Palmistry? If so, check out this site! It's packed with information and you can get a free palm reading by filling out a simple quetionaire.

Book of the Dead - Did you ever wonder about the Egyptian Book of the Dead? Click here to read the complete translation!

Rhine Research Center - Another site with lots of good info. Good place to spend some time.

Astrology - A neat site with a lot of things to do and see. If you are interested in astrology, you need to see this site!

Tarot Lessons Online - I am basically self taught, but if you are interested in Tarot and would like to learn more, this is the place for you to start! - This is a webpage by and about Gordon Michael Scallion. He makes predictions for the future, both of the global economy and changes in the earth's environment. While I don't personally believe everything on his site, it does make for interesting reading.

Friend's Pages

Doc & Spiral's Chevelle Page - Would you like to see what hubby and I do in our spare time?