All of these herbs and descriptions for their use are taken from Prescritpion for Nutritional Healing, 2nd Edition. You can find this book listed on my Suggested Reading page. I whole-heartedly recommend it! This page is NOT meant to diagnose, prescribe or recommend a treatment for any illness or dysfunction. I cannot stress enough the importance of consulting your doctor before using ANY of these herbs, ESPECIALLY if you are currently taking any medications. Particularly hazardous drug interactions may occur with any type of mood altering medication, blood pressure medication, heart medication, presciption pain killer or sleep aid. ![]() The description of use here is brief due to space. If you would like to learn more, I highly recommend you check the book out at your local library or buy the book. ![]() Alfalfa - Alkalizes and detoxifies the body. Acts as a diuretic, eases inflammation, lowers cholesterol, balances hormones and promotes pituitary gland function. Aloe Vera - Can be used externally for burns and wounds, stimulates cell regeneration. Taken internally, soothes stomach irritation, aids in healing and has a slight laxative property. Cat's Claw - Cleanses the intestinal tract, enhances the action of white blood cells and acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Chamomile - Acts as an appetite stimulant, digestive aid, diuretic, nerve tonic and a sleep aid. Ecinacea - Good for the immune system and the lymphatic system. Useful for colic, colds, the flu and other infectious illnesses. Garlic - Detoxifies the body and protects against infection by enhancing immune function. Lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and improves circulation. Good for virtually any disease or infection. Ginko - Improves brain function by increasing cerebral and peripheral blood flow, circulation and oxygenation. Good for depression, headaches and memory loss. Goldenseal - Acts as an antibiotic, cleanses the body, increases the effectiveness of insulin and strengthens the immune system. Used at the first sign of possible symptoms, it can stop a cold, flu or sore throat from developing. Kava Kava - Induces physical and mental relaxation. Helpful for anxiety, depression, insomnia and stress related disorders. Licorice - Cleanses the colon, decreases muscular spasms and promotes adrenal gland function. Nettle - A diuretic, expectorant, pain reliever and tonic. Contains vital minerals that are essential in aiding relief of many disorders. Peppermint - Enhances digestion by increasing stomach acidity. Slightly anesthetizes mucus membranes and the gastrointestinal tract. Primrose - Aids in weight loss and reduces high blood pressure. Rose Hips - Good for all infections and bladder problems. A good source of vitamin C. Rose Hip tea is good for diarrhea. St. John's Wort - Good for depression and nerve pain. May also inhibit viral infections. Saw Palmetto - Acts as a diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Stimulates the appetite. Also helps prevent enlargement of the prostate. Witch Hazel - Applied topically, has astringent and healing properties and relieves itching. Very useful for all types of skin care. Yucca - Acts as a blood purifier. Beneficial in the treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis and inflammatory disorders. |