Adventures of a Psychic
by Sylvia Browne

This is all about Sylvia...from the time she was a little girl to present day. A great read, told in Sylvia's own down-to-earth manner. If you already know about her or would like to learn more, this is the book to start with.

The Other Side and Back
by Sylvia Browne

The second book from Sylvia, It discusses the information she has gotten from her discussions with Francine (her spirit guide) in regard to the other side.

God, Creation, and the Tools for Life
by Sylvia Browne

The third book from Sylvia, It discusses the information she has gotten from her discussions with Francine (her spirit guide) in regard to life, the nature of creation, and our personal connection to God. If you ever wondered "why?", read this book!

We Don't Die
by Joel Martin and Patricia Romanowski

This book is about a man named George Anderson and his ability to communicate with people who have "passed over". He is able to channel and does some automatic writing but his main goal is to comfort grieving loved ones. An excellent book for anyone who would like to learn more about life after death.

We Are Not Forgotten
by Joel Martin and Patricia Romanowski

Also a book about George Anderson. In this book, George goes into more stories of messages of hope and love sent to loved ones from those who have passed over.

Our Children Forever
by Joel Martin and Patricia Romaowski

George Anderson's messages specfically from children who have passed over to the other side. A great comfort to anyone who may have lost a young loved one.

Lessons From the Light
by George Anderson and Andrew Barone

This book discusses some of the "whys" that come from losing a loved one in reagards to life lessons and what we are all put here to accomplish. A wonderful book with readings and anecdotes from those who ahve lost and searched for the reason why.

Walking in the Garden of Souls: George Anderson's Advice from the Hereafter, for Living in the Here and Now
by George Anderson and Andrew Barone

A wonderful book that helps greatly after the loss of a loved one (I speak from personal experience). George answers many questions about what happen when we "die" and cross over and how the transition works. It has been the only book I've read so far that gave me any comfort after the loss of my husband and Soulmate. If you are grieving, or know someone who is, this is the book I would suggest.

Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet
by Jess Stearn

An excellent overview of Cayce's life through the good times and the bad. It tells the story of how he came to be "the Sleeping Prophet". There are several other books on Cayce, but this would be a good introduction to Cayce before you read anything else. This book may no longer be in print. You may have to check with your local library for a copy.

Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing
by Ann Karp

Alternative therapies for 190 common ailments-from thousands of astonishing psychic readings by Edgar Cayce.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing
by James F. Balch, MD & Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. 3rd Edition

An excellent resource for alternative treatments (herbs and supplements) for those who are dissatisfied with traditional medicine. As always, consult your physician before modifying existing treatments or beginning a new one.

The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Horoscopes
by Madeline Brodeur and Lisa Lenard

A wonderful little book that gives a detailed, yet un-confusing explanation of astology, horoscopes and their origins. A great little book for anyone who thinks they would like to know more about the zodiac without spending a lot of $$ on a big book. My astrology page information was derived from this book. Check out the page for more info!

Linda Goodman's Star Signs
by Linda Goodman

This is book is a good introduction to astrology, numerology and lexigrams. Linda uses the Chaldean-Hebrew Kabala Numerical Alphabet, most typically believed to have the oldest and only truly accurate numerology values.

Linda Goodman's Love Signs
by Linda Goodman

This book deals with astrological compatibility. A good book for anybody interested in astrology and how it relates to relationships.

Kabbalah - Key to Your Inner Power
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Very good book that gives enough history of Kabbalah and its interpretation so that you could use it in practical life. Not a book simply about the Jewish faith, but a road map for the journey of a one to one experience with God.

The Truth About Witchcraft Today
by Scott Cunningham

This is a very good book for anyone interested in Wicca as a possible practioner.

Color and Crystals
by Joy Gardner

This book teaches about color and crystals and their relationship to the chakras and the tarot. An excellent book for anyone who has an interest in chakras, crystals and healing. A perfect book for the beginner.

Kundalini and the Chakras
by Gen Paulson

This is the best book I have found so far for safe release of Kundalini power. An excellent book for the beginner.

The Dreamer's Dictionary
by Lady Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett

Good tool for basic dream interpretation. If you don't want to spend a lot of money on a book you aren't sure you'll like, you won't be wasting money on this one. Easy to read references and just enough detail to satisfy almost any question.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to The World's Religions
by Brandon Toropov and Father Luke Buckles, O.P.

If you are looking for a new religion or want to know more about all religions, this is a good place to start.

These books shound be available through most any retail book stores in paperback. If you don't see them, ask if they can be ordered. Or try your local library. You might also want to try