In Association with
Liber Libri On The Java Estate

September 13, 2007: UNDER CONSTRUCTION

After a 6 year hiatus -where upon I've managed to finish my bachelors- I will be re-vamping this site. Thanks for the emails and comments about getting this site back on track! Please check back soon for the new and improved Liber Libri on the Java Estate.

Welcome to Liber Libri on the Java Estate!

Not quite sure what book to read? Grab a cup of coffee and explore our site. We put up posts and discussions about books that we're reading.

What kind of books do we read? We like anything and everything. Our main interests are contemporary fiction but we still enjoy the occasional biographies, crime, mysteries, and yes, even chick-lit (in moderation of course)! Our purpose is not to promote particular novels but we do enjoy trying a wide range of books and posting our thoughts, whether it be positive or negative.

In addition to having a voracious appetite for books, we enjoy writing, drinking lots and lots of coffee, talking to our friends, and hopefully, talking to you! Click on "Book of the Month" to see what novel we're reading and our thoughts on them too. Your opinions are always welcome!

Come back soon!

Last Updated: September 2007

Book of the Month

2000-2001 Book reviews

1999 Book reviews


Coffee of the Month

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There have been Counter book worms and coffee lovers here since May 6th, 1998

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