Be ye welcome and have a seat. My name is Stal, though some call me the Fire Dragon Poet. This is my home page and like my name sake I have horded many things, from writings, to music to adoptable web-pals. I hope to eventualy have everything out here for everyone to enjoy, or not depending on your tastes.
To your left is a series of links that will guide you around my website.
Writings brings you to my page of all the good writing I have done, wich isn't much.
Author brings you to a page with my picture on it and not much else. Eventualy there will be more information there about me and my family.
Garden brings you to my pages of web pets I have addopted. A warning, it does open up a new page so to get back here all you have to do is close it.
Art brings you to my personal art page were you can see my not so good atemps at art. Just a small warrning... there is nothing there now. The link brings you to a page saying there is nothing here go away!
The rest is self exsplanitory.
This beauty all around you is due entirely to a wonderful person named Moyra. Please vist her site.
All original work © 1999