This is my niece, Sekayi. She just graduated from Kindergarten at Believer's Faith Christian Academy in Statesville, NC. She is six now *In case you were wondering* and will start first grade in the fall.

Here again is Sekayi, this time with her mother, Tonya *my sister* and her little sister Na'ja. This was taken Easter of 1998 and Na'ja is now 15 months old.

Here we have my nephew Tony *Nephew by another sister of mine*, my niece Capriel *Tony's elder sister*, Sekayi and Na'ja. Easter 1998 again. They figured to send me all these photos to remind me what they look like since I'd been away so long *5 yrs and counting*.
And now.... the moment some of you have been waiting for, i.e. Kara Gehl, for the first time ever on one of my homepages...
Coming from Springfield, Massachusetts all the way out to Maryville, Missouri.... MY MOTHER, FRANCES DUNLAP!!!

This was taken on Graduation Day, May 16, 1998. Obviously, I'm the one in the cap and gown, so you SHOULD be able to tell which of us is Mom!
On April 7, 2001 Cassandra Dunlap, sister of Sundiata, was married to Ross Haberern in Enfield Connecticut. Reception in Chicopee, MA. Pics from wedding will be shown here

Me and my 2-yr old niece Na'Jari... first time I had met the little girl

Tony, nephew of Sundiata, age 16.

Shawn and Doris Jones, Sundiata's Elder brother and his wife (Shawn's, NOT Sundiata's)
And now, the Bride and Groom! Cassandra and Ross Haberern

Father of the Bride and Bride *Note: Hopefully a better picture will be here soon.
More family pics to come when received.
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