Hi and Welcome to "What's New" at Link2Mary.Com

My web pages do tend to become a bit over whelming for me to maintain, update, remove the "dead" leading no where links, and to put new: FRESH - ideas, links, and information. But I will try at least to come by this page one or two times a month, and let you know what I am working on, what I have found NEW and interesting, what I may have added to...directions to the latest spots for family updates, etc.

More Mariah, & Just Joshua - Spring/Summer 2000
Click here to visit my album on GatherRound.com

Just added..Spring 2000
Movie Reviews updates!

And a Recipe of the Day feature! Access from my Main page.

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My Cup of Tea Links - pages are easily my most visited, commented on and growing out of control site. I have obtained the domain of "sippingtea.com" and someday at some point will decide on a server and MOVE..those pages to Strands of their own on the Web. I may even open a separate Online Community for it..as I have for The LibMary - with Library Talk over on Delphi. Stay tuned!

Friends and Family have been joining the
Internet/E-Mail community, almost daily. One of the things that is asked most often
How can I share PHOTOS in e-mail and on the web?
Check out This article in PCPhoto - Sept. 1999

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In The LibMary - My bibliographic instruction/information literacy Links pages - were accepted last year as a Guide in the Argus Clearinghouse Guide to the Net. Which means that I must keep those pages - resonably updated on a regular basis. Those pages will get more attention, than the others..So if that's your "area" of interest..please bookmark it and visit often. I also LOVE finding new things to ADD to my FREE or Pretty Inexpensive ONLINE LEARNING page - so keep checking that as well. It is absolutely amazing - what you can LEARN, on the Internet!!  And feel FREE to Find and Enjoy the FREE Stuff too, that is available as well, just for cruising the net. But if you think you are ready to spend, well, I am finding new and fun sites to SHOP till ya, can't click anymore!  My new favorites are Gooseberry Patch, Overstock.Com, and Lace Haystack.

Need a Bargain..- My Mother taught me well
Everything at this spot is JUST!!!! Ten Dollars
All who know me..KNOW..that these are
My Favorite THINGS
Chocolate & Gift Certificates!!
These spots are Excellent!! 

Gift Tracker.Com
Gift Certificates to Quality Merchants
Gift Tracker Inc.

For FUN - I have found playing the Triva Games at Uproar to be quite the "time taker upper" but I like it!!
  And for just plain interesting reading, etc..Visit "Crumpled Papers" -

for poems, quotes, clipart, and more.
And read The Onion for "Seriously Fun" enjoyment

That's all folks....till we "link" again...
Remember - link2mary.com  ! is all you need to Remember!

Mary, Just a Buffalo Gal, Out Tonight, sipping Tea, and Surfing the Net

Need to contact me???

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