Please visit my new site to find the information previously posted on these
Yahoo/Geocities pages  part of 
My Cup of Tea Links 
now posted on
See below for links to individual website resource pages
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Revisiting The Past

Dreams of days of long ago
Life always will reflect
Thoughts of love of yesteryears
Sweet memories perfect

Thinking of these special years
With innocence of hearts
Finding joy in dressing up
We each had special parts

Bride in such a pretty dress
Mother serving tea
A little baby in the chair
Abundant love of three

Happy times of life to share
When worries were so small
Just a day to pass away
This pleasure we recall

Oh for days of youth again
To play our make believe
Sharing love within our hearts
A blessing we retrieve

Forever with a child's sweet heart
These gifts are ours to share
With love and joy reflecting days
Our united hearts compare.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission
If you would enjoy using this poem on your own
non-postcard, personal site just click on Ms. Pucillo's
name to request permission.


Tea Party Ideas
Tea Parties for Children
Teas - Four Seasons of ideas
Victorian Teas & Times
Craft Ideas for Showers, etc.
Etiquette & Tea Ceremonies
Recipes for your tea party
Tea Poems
Friendship Tea & Poems
Teabits of Information
Books on Tea
Tea Posters for Decorating
Decorating Ideas
Resources for Tea Pot Collectors

If the bandwidth on the site
is exceeded by visitors, you may find the pages
unavailable via the server
For your convienence, I have also posted
*mirrored pages* of the Teas2Dine4 site at:

A special thank you to artist ©Paula Vaughan for permission
to use her art.

Moon and Back:
Paula Vaughan Gallery: