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Thomas Kinkade Collectibles

Precious Moments Collectibles Your online shop
for the best in unabridged audiobooks
on cassette and CD.

You'll think you're shopping at a
wonderful Craft Fair or Boutique
Wander, browse through:
Terry's Village Catalog

Don't be afraid to
Comparison Shop on the Net at "Compare"

And at R U

At Bottom Dollar - Compare prices
on everything & then Buy on the spot Over 1001 items at $10.
Choose from picture frames,
candles, sports, toys
and much much more.

E-Smarts will show you the
Way to the Hot Deals on the Net
And - be sure to check often<
I Love a Deal.Com
for new deals!

I have picked out some great Gift Ideas

And Just a Reminder
Some Shopping Sites try to "LOCK" you in
and it can be Annoying
If you can't "click" your way
BACK using the Back button on a Site
Just remember the URL/Web Address for this page
and type that in too your Browser's
Address window.
or hit the HOME button
to go to your own "start" page
or favorite bookmark.
And when asked for FEEDBACK or COMMENTS
on a site that trys to "lock" you in
Tell them what you think of the practice!!!

Get Money Back. We Pay You to Shop.

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You will absolutely love the Bargains
at Overstock.Com!!

It is better to look good…than to feel good…
But why not do both..Feel Good that you are
Spending LESS to Look Good - Shop at the :

LinkShare-Get Your Share!

Oh! Baby!!..
If you Love "them" as much as I do
Check this out!!
Baby Outlet
Send New Moms & Grandkids
a Surprise Gift TODAY!

Another OUTLET For your shopping Needs:
The source for quality designer
and name brand merchandise
with discounts up to 75% off retail!!!

I HAVE Added
Shopping Links for the TEA LOVER
"Books" for those ~ Thirsty for Tea Knowledge!
***Don't Forget Anniversaries, Birthdays
and of course Last minute gifts, Housewarmings,
Care Packages to the kids at College or out of town relatives
Gifts "that say -Home!"
If you are from my neck of the WOODS - "Western New York "-
Check out the Spots to shop on MY City Page
For Weddings(many stores have online Registries -check with your Bride-to-be's)
Shopping on the Net can be a Real Life Saver!

There are very few things that Can't be ordered over the Net
Start (spend) your way into it..
I think you will find Net shopping Easier than you ever thought possible. ****

Please stop by some of My Favorite spots and enjoy shopping
without the hassles of finding a parking spot..
or venturing out on a stormy night for that perfect gift..
you forgot to buy!

If you enjoy the thrill of an Auction,
try your skills at mastering the perfect deal at These - NetAuctions
Things to consider when shopping the Net

If you want to shop in the "Real" world..Please be aware of the
Top Ten Retail Ripoffs/Sneaky Sales Tricks

Check out What's ON SALE NOW in Your Community's Stores & Business's.

Are you an Auction hunter

Try these Search/Auction Sites to help you find
the right item at the right place.
Read from PC World: How to be a winner at Net Auctions

On-line auctions couldn't be hotter, but some folks have been burned by unscrupulous sellers or buyers. That's where IEscrow comes in. Buyers and sellers can sign up here; if you've won an auction you pay IEscrow first. The seller then ships you the goods, and when you're satisfied, you approve the sale and IEscrow pays the seller. You can register for free but there is a transaction fee charged when you use the service.

Please remember.."If it sounds too good to be true - it probably IS!"..
Also - an EDUCATED Consumer is the best shopper!
Take a look at the page I put together on
Internet Scams and Fraud Online..and...
CyberShopping Tips from the Better Business Bureau.
I have been shopping on the Internet for quite awhile, and have had no problems, but if you are afraid of giving your credit card info over the net ..many of these links will let you print out your order form and call in - via the phone. Sometimes it is just nice to be able to see the products online..instead of going thru catalog after catalog..Some sites offer merchandise only available on the Net, and others offer deals for internet users. SO check these sites out - and be ready to shop.
Top 10 reasons to shop the Net.
Also, Remember that those hard to get items, that are all the RAGE right now..are driven by Adult! Consumer Demand, Please stop the DEMAND!!, and give your child a picture of the item and promise them that when it is available at a "resonable price" they will recieve it. Furbys,last years Elmos, Beanie Babies, are NOT WORTH!! The ridiculous prices, Parents, Grandparents and Collectors are PAYING!! These "toys" are manufactured in 3rd world countries for very little money..Don't feed the cofers of the Companies or Online Collectors/Sellers...that could care less, that your child is happy on Christmas Morning. We are the Adults..let's show our children..some good old fashioned COMMON SENSE!!. Stop waiting in lines, calling the stores..etc. etc...Let's buy whats available now..easily...and watch the store shelves fill up with the "HAD TO HAVES" and you may be surprised..that come next winter and spring..that suddenly your not even interested in that HAD TO HAVE THEN ITEM!!  

Click here for the Internet's Fun Shopping

My Favorite Spots..
  • Internet Mall What You want from the WEB
  • Shopping - ONLINE catalogs..galore!
  • I just Love CHOCOLATE!!
    You can't go wrong shopping HERE!
    Hershey Foods Corp.
  • I have found some of the Best Prints
    And Posters at Art.Com
    You can "Frame" it ONLINE!! Great gifts!!
  • Folks that know me..Know I COLLECT Stuff!!!
    Everything from Dolls to TeaPots to Lambs and Stonecast Cottages
    If you're a Collector too...Please Visit
    Collecting Exchange
  • My husband and I really like the books
    on tape..we listen on our drives to visit
    The grandchildren..seems to make the trip
    Go by much the stories are always
    Interesting..Buy Books ONLINE!!
    Recorded Books
  • You don't have to go to the MALL for
    That FUN - Unusual or Gag gift..Spencer's is ONLINE
    Spencer logo
  • ONLY ON SALE!..Always a Sale in Progress
  • Domestications..Linens, Home Decor and More.
  • And I found good Holiday Deals at

  • Buy it Online - this site is great - it has a Reminder Registry that you can sign up - (with your e-mail address) and it will remind you of birthdays, anniversarys, what ever..and then it has the capability of suggesting sites for those occasions.. Another site that has a Reminder Registry is HALLMARK and they even offer a Free electronic greeting card service .
  • I have found the Best deals at Buy.Com for software, computers, etc. and NothingButSoftware is good place to bookmark.
  • This spot offers the most wonderful homespun books and gifts - you will just love everything at The Gooseberry Patch!
  • Are you looking for Collectibles..this Gallery of Shops..has spots for everything from Disney to Harley Davidson.
  • Perhaps your mate needs a spot where they can find the perfect Romantic - gift - a weekend retreat at a Bed & Breakfast - or Country Inn...try B & B's on the Net check out a Country Inn in your area..or a close drive and treat yourself and ENJOY!
  • Surprise someone you love!  with Flowers, Jewelry, Gift Baskets - all easily ordered over the net .
  • Some of My Favorites,

    LL Bean

    Lands End or the
    Museum Shop Shop and buy gifts from - Childrens's, Art and Science Museums nationwide!!... and also the bargains never stop at - BargainDog
    My Mom - would never have believed I could shop at The Online!! - But she would have loved it!!..My mom was a "bargain shopper" extraordinaire!!..taught me everything I know!
    Another place I quite a bit of Christmas stuff from Andy's Garage good daily specials.. and buy all you want and pay $2.00 per item and 2.95 additional for entire order for shipping.(so add up the Savings and Make Sure! that even after paying for shipping - the items you buy, are still a BARGAIN!) Wal-Mart...has bargains online, as well as Net ONLY Specials.

  • Set up an account if you have a small business and or business letter head at LTD COMMODITIES..wonderful name brand great deals..but they only will mail to a Business...which can be your own home..or an office, that doesn't mind it's employees, receiving shipments from the company..this is a good place for groups to gather and make group purchases..lots of good ideas and low prices.
  • Found another "new" wonderful place to "spend" some time at Gooseberry Patch..just'll love the Country atmosphere.
  • Check out Collectibles Today..for Collectibles, like Ashton-Drake Dolls and Bears.
  • Lillian Vernon
    has a nice easy Shopping on the Net Site
    get out that catalog
    and order ONLINE
  • The LibMary recommends Barnes & Nobels for all your BOOK Buying needs!!..

  • Shop for Someone your life, great selections of several lines of collectibles, and they even have Online applications, to join all the Collector Clubs.
  • Those who know me - know I can't go a day without checking out QVC - between the Annette Funicello - Angel Bears that I buy for my Grandbaby Mariah and the Dolls I buy for me.. I am forever in their DEBT! But they do offer some good deals and several Exclusives (made for them only, items)..always go in knowing your prices in your area and compare - before buying!
  • Brownies - I honestly don't think you can go wroong giving Brownies to anyone.. Bob's BrownstoneBrownies offer a deal for Internet shoppers - mention their webpage designers name in your order and receive 1 pound of either Brownies, cookies or a 10inch dessert pizza ("offer" subject to change)FREE. then put on the kettle and order up something from The Stash Tea Company - nice selections.
  • Perhaps you don't want to shop - but need some ideas on things to Makee yourself..Well try
    Michaels- The Arts & Crafts Store and their Projects pages...lots of ideas and craft instructions ready to print out.
  • Check out my FREE Sites Page for Links to get things from the NET for FREE!!! now thats my kind of shopping..always fun to send stuff to the family that they aren't expecting, free samples of all kinds of products and items. Collect stuff all year long..and you'll have great stocking stuffers or small gifts to give the grandkids & friends!!!
  • Shopping for The Tea LOVER - giftbaskets, Teapots, Jewelry, decor...everything tea-riffic
Now these spots offer some excellent values -
And PLEASE stop by MY FREE STUFF page and MY FREE ONLINE Learning SITES can make your hard earned dollars stretch
and be able to BUY at these vendors..
Listed above and below! -ENJOY! But Please REMEMBER!! Shopping on The NET
Is Easy & Can Become Addictive!!
Control Your Spending & Debt..
Before You're OUT OF CONTROL
Let's Practice SAFE SPENDING!!

Need Some HELP!! Seek HELP "First"
Get yourself OUT of Debt -
On the NET or OFF!

Barnes & Noble…
Do it Buy the BOOK, Reading is GOOD for YOU!

  Search by: 

There you have it some safe bets...for holiday, special occasion and year round shopping....With plenty of links to the Good FREE Stuff..Have Fun..Never PAY Retail!! The Internet Shopping worth trying out! Happy Bargain Hunting!!!

E-mail me and let me know of any just should know about..Thank YOU for Linking BUY!  
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