Index to web pages 
Well, maybe not so much an INDEX as it is a Link to the Majority of My pages 
YES! I know they are not in alphabetical order....If you can't find something - 
Let me Know..Thanks!!
The LibMary Internet Mary's Stuff Buffalo Pages MyCupofTea Health & Relaxing
/libmary.htm netstuff.htm mniederl.htm mycity.htm tealinks.htm HLTHLINK.HTM
/libjourn.htm beyond.htm infome.htm areyou.htm teaparty.htm Relax.htm
/librefpg.htm createpg.htm freesite.htm areyou2.htm moretea.htm relax3.htm
/libjobs.htm system.htm freefraud.htm amherst.htm newtea99.htm newrelax.htm
/staffpg.htm usenet.htm freejunki.htm cheektow.htm teapotcollect.htm
/staffcites.htm email.htm netshop.htm bfloslang.htm greentea.htm
/instruct.htm funstuff.htm youknow.htm grntea2.htm
/instruc3.htm chocol.htm grntea3.htm KaleidaLibraries
/instruc4.htm bookstore.htm mypots.htm page3.htm
/newinstruc.htm contact.htm clipsfortea.htm jnlpopup.htm
/librypg.htm teabiz2.htm lingo.htm
/literacy.htm teahealth.htm proced.htm
/libref2.htm teacookies.htm
/bookread.htm maytea.htm
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