Are you a Buffalo Gal or Guy too?

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Recipes for Chicken Wings
Kimmelweck Rolls

You know you're from Buffalo

You are probably a Buffalonian  "IF":

When speaking "the" precedes the number or name of any highway 
(The Scajaquada, The 33, The 290)
Snow tires come standard on your car.
You can identify an "Alden" accent.
You have gotton frost bitten and sunburned in the same weekend.
"Down south" means Gowanda
You bake with "soda" and drink "pop".
Stop/Slow/Yield  Signs..are suggestions.
You can hold an entire conversation on the best place to go for wings, a fishfry or pizza.
You see nothing wrong with watching fireworks downtown on July 2nd.
You not only know what the terms "snowbelt" and  "lake effect" mean 
- you use them on a daily basis.
You save the Genny Cream Ale for special occasions.
You live within 1 mile of a bowling alley.
Not only do you know what it is..but you look forward to "Dingus Day"
You never put your winter jacket away for the summer.
You like to order beef on "weck"
 and are always surprised when someone doesn't know what "weck" is.
You drive over 70mph on the Thruway and pass on the right.
You leave your ski lift tickets on your jacket year round.
You know how to pronouce, Scajaquada,
 Cheektowaga and Depew.
The rest of the country is snowbound in the worst blizzard
of the century, but you still have to walk
your kids to the corner to catch the school bus.
You think nothing of crossing an international border for Chinese Food.
The acid rain is clearer than your drinking water.
When you stop and ask for expect to get them.
You give directions....
by saying "turn left" or  "at the first light" -
 instead of "head north" or "go east".
You don't think Canada is to the north know it's to the West.
You keep the snowplow 
on the front of the truck year round.
You have a favorite Greek restaurant.
When someone says they are from "the City" 
- you ask "Which one?"
You think Jimmy Griffin is a "real" politician
You can compute a wind chill "factor"
You eat Orange Chocolate.
You can go to Allentown,
 Kaisertown..but you can't go Uptown.
You don't have to attend 
the Friendship Festival to Hear IT!
You know the difference between
 Imported and Real Canadian Beer.
You thinks of Football, not "mail"
 when some mentions "bills".
It doesn't faze you that there is no
 "East Seneca", "West Aurora" or "South Tonawanda"
You have not been on the "Maid of the Mist"
- Unless you had out of town company!
When in another city - you threaten the chef with 
"false advertising" 
after trying something called "Buffalo Wings".
You've dined at "Theodore's on the Lake".
You immediatley change the channel 
- when you hear "Hi! this is Goldie Gardner...".
The winter carnival gets rained out.
You call them "Pilot Field" and the "Aud" 
-no matter what the signs say.
You define summer as three months of bed sledding.
Your kids have watched Sesame Street - in  French and Spanish.
You don't get a coughing fit from one sip of Vernors.
You know what Vernor's is!
"Gridlock" means driving home from a football game.
You wince when someone uses the abbreviation "OJ" .
"Rapid Transit" means hitting all the green lights.

The Comet was built in 1947,
with wood track on a steel frame.
Some of the steel apparently
came from the Cyclone.
An item in a roller coaster club newsletter
claimed the Comet used the same
lift hill as the Cyclone.
Both hills have the same first drop height,
and angle irons on the lower part
of the lift hill may have supported
a section of Cyclone track
that ran under the lift hill.
When this park closed in 1989,
the ride was sold to
The Great Escape park
in Lake George, New York, U.S.A.

New homes..and a new life for the old grounds, started in 1995..but the memories, ahhhh..they can't take them away from any of us. I had my first kiss in the Tunnel of Love, and the magic carpet ride guy..who pressed the " air " button..I had such a crush on!! I enjoyed more than my share of cinnamon suckers, and sugar waffles..and threw them up after rides on the "ROTOR" - and WILD MOUSE...My parents danced in the ballroom, to big bands, and I went to all the "Riverside Days"...I could, buying up as many strings of one could get for $10. - Yes summers, did seem longer, more romantic..(don't forget..the short jaunt from Crystal Beach to Sherkston), more naive, more fun, less expensive, and how many students can one fit into one Cottage on any given evening!..While I am sure...Six Flags at Darien Lake..will prove to be a highlight of many a WNY'ers youths summer..I don't think, the memories of days spent up at Crystal Beach will ever be matched for fun and joy..ever again!!..anywhere on the Niagara Frontier!!!

Just my two cents!!..let me know yours

If you can think of other can tell if you are a "Buffalo Gal or Guy" E-Mail me and I will post what I can.
Dan formerly of Buffalo..did just that..find out how you fair on Dan's list of "you" know you're from Buffalo IF...or From AMHERST...or From CHEEKTOWAGA
And Gary from Kansas City..adds his Buffalo nickels worth as well..these pages may contain duplicate everyone seems to share the same thoughts of HOME!!

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