Relaxing Links To Soothe,
Inspire and Motivate
Put on the kettle, make a
cup of soothing tea,
Sit back, Take a deep breath and Relax
Note: these resources were
added Sept. 18, 2001
and will remain as long
as they prove useful to site
Useful websites to help
people cope
and understand the Tragic
events of
Sept. 11, 2001, against
the United States.
Help is also available
from :
the National
Mental Health Association
as helping Children cope with disaster
Pediatric groups provide
resources on talking to kids,
dealing with PTSD.
The American Academy
of Family Physicians has compiled some resources
that hospitals and others
can use to help cope with the recent tragedies
and their long-term consequences.
For an explanation of
Stress Disorder, go to;
AAFP also has posted an
article on treating PTSD at
Get a variety of facts
about PTSD>>
For advice from the American
Academy of Pediatrics on how to communicate with children and adolescents
about disasters, visit
Online Articles: from
Bottom Line Secrets
HHS offers counseling resources
The Department of Health
and Human Services has established a Web-based
resource to help hospitals
and other providers provide emotional
counselingin the aftermath
of last week's terrorist attacks.
Go to
for advice forparents
and children, rescue workers, and
for all others nationwide
for coping with emotional stress.
HHS offered the following
general advice:
For children: Answer questions
honestly, but without dwelling on
frightening details --
but don't be afraid to admit you can't answer everything.
Encourage expression
of feelings and give opportunities to talk.
Acknowledge your own
Try to maintain normal
routines while also reducing sources
of tension where possible.
For younger children
cuddling as well as verbal
support may be important.
Teens especially may
need to understand that hateful language
and striking back can
cause harm rather than help.
For reassuring affected
adults: It is important to acknowledge that
reactions of grief and
fear are normal -- fear, irritability, crying,
It is important to know
"it's not your fault, you did the best
you could."
Acknowledge that things
may never be the same, but they
will get better.
Things to AVOID saying:
"It could have been worse.
You can always get another
It's best if you just
stay busy. You need to get on with your life.
I know just how you feel."
Additional counseling
resources are available at the SAMHSA Web site,,
and the National Institute
of Mental Health Web
site at
Federal Emergency Management
offers tips on dealing
with terrorist threats
and alert notices on
emergency plans
**Also Remember **
Sometimes there are people who will
these times,
when "we" are most vulnerable
to take advantage of us:
ALWAYS!! Check out the legitimacy
of Charities,
and of "email
messages" regarding Virus'es,
Charity/Fund Raising or Causes,
or "efforts" to do something "together"
"heartwarming" stories or
stories of "crimes" & "scams" happening
to people
- that are usually totally untrue.
Don't automatically
"forward" messages or "respond"
until you have
out the story,
or source completely!
Relaxing Soothing
Sites on the Net
& Stress Reduction : Articles & Tips
minute-Vacation" Imagery-Relaxation Technique.
Line Secrets
How to Give Yourself A
Don't Worry!
Learn how to Be
From Smart Solutions
For a quick stress-reducing
lock hands behind head
while sitting
at a desk or while watching
then gently pull head
down toward chest and hold for 15 seconds.
Six Second Mini-Relaxation
quieting reflex is a 6 second Mini-relaxation technique that is
to counteract emergency stress reactions.
relieves - muscle tightening, jaw clenching, and breath holding.
can be done with your eyes open or closed.
aware of what is annoying you:
ringing phone, sarcastic comment,
to smoke, a worrisome thought, whatever.
becomes the cue to start the "quieting reflex"
the phrase, "Alert mind, calm body" to yourself.
inwardly with your eyes and your mouth.
stops facial muscles from making a fearful or angry expression.
inward smile is more a "feeling" than something obvious
anyone observing you.
slowly to the count of three,
that the breath comes in through the bottom of your feet.
exhale slowly.
your breath move back down your legs
out through your feet.
your jaw, tongue, and shoulders muscles - go limp.
practice - the "quieting reflex"
become an "automatic skill"
keep on hand in the "emergency medicine cabinet" of your mind.
Adapted from: Dr. Charles
And Mind/Body Health
v. 7 c.1998
Learn 52
Relaxing Rituals from Thrive
"Exercise" is probably
the best thing you can do
To Relieve Stress, Lose
weight, and Keep You Healthy
Check out all the resources
available from this site:
Exercise, can be done
in the privacy of your
own home!
Or you can go outside
and Walk, Run
or get involved in Community
Try starting a Regular
Exercise Program today
and Stick with it!
If you're in front of
a computer or stuck at a desk
try these sites for ideas/
on Stretching Exercises
For your Hands and Wrists
More! Soothing Sites
And - Words to live
plus - Rules for Office
to help avoid job
on my
Spirit Resources
Free resources on calming
the mind,
enlivening the Spirit,
and relaxation secrets.
Also offering Beautiful
& Powerful - "Healing" Audiotapes
Quote for TODAY!
"Finish each day
and be done with it.
You have done what you
Some blunders and absurdities
no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as
you can.
Tomorrow is a new day.
You shall begin it
well and serenely".
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yoga Even us
Netter's gotta relax
& take a break at the keyboard..
& Control Stress Tips
Stress Buster Ideas
From Women's Wire
Five! - Quick Fixes for fighting stress
Moments Great Quotations to Inspire!
Tell Marlene - I said
Hello, from a BuffaloGal-
send her your best/favorite
quotes or motivational experiences.
She has a wonderful page
~ Just for Teens!..Enjoy!
an Internet Retreat
From Dream
Life.Com take the FREE - Anthony Robbins course
Pillars of Happiness"
Physiology & Focus.
of The recent tragedies in American Schools
the most recent "terrorist" attacks
have transpired in the United States
most folk,
and asking why??,
when ??-
people learn to Hate, Fear, &
to situations, religion, politics, or lifestyles?
we (the adults) learn how to react,
relax, to accept differences -
accept difficult situations
make better choices in dealing with each other
we can be the "type of people"
teens will look upon as the kind of people
will Dream of Growing up and Becoming..
WE Seem at War with
own Feelings and Insecurities,
Offer Them - No Hope!!
From Tony Robbins:
"Why do people do what
they do?
It's all a matter of
their beliefs.
As amazing as it sounds,
if people believe
that drilling holes in
their heads
will cure sickness, they'll
do it (and have!)
--whether that belief
is well-founded or not--
and if they believe instead
that their happiness
depends on helping others,
they'll be equally driven.
Beliefs make the difference
between a lifetime of
and one of joyous contribution.
Beliefs separate a Mozart
from a Manson,
causing some individuals
to become heroes
while others resign themselves
to wondering what could
have been.
What beliefs are at work
in the actions
of those around you?
Which beliefs do you share
with your colleagues?
your children?
your parents?,
Which differ?
Please start sharing your
and understanding others,
lets start the dialog

Powerful ideas on self
improvement, personal growth,
relaxation and meditation,
enlivening your spirit,
and how to live your
Keys for Managing Change & Reducing Burnout
Relax..and Learn about
Resilience, Thriving and Gaining
Strength through adversity
- at ThriveNet!
Associates for Research into the Science of Enjoyment -
By creating a better
understanding of the benefits of pleasure,
ARISE, aims to help people
make choices
and enjoy life without
worry or guilt.
Fundamentals..From the HomeArts Site
Two Sites for bettering
your life..
Improvement Online..and Science
of Mind
Do YOU know Someone who
Under a great deal of
Here is a Simple Gift
To Let that "Someone"
Know YOU Care!
Emergency Stress Relief
put these together using
baskets from craft stores
Fill with: (and, a card
stating these ingredients)
A chocolate kiss to remind
you that you are loved!
A match to light your fire
you feel burned out.
A tootsie roll to remind
you not to
bite off more than you
can chew.
Smarties to help you on those
days you don't feel so
A starburst to give you a
burst of energy
on those days you don't
have any.
Snickers to remind you to
take time to laugh.
A bag to help you keep it
all together
and to give you food for
And most importantly, a candle
to remind you
that you can brighten
someone's day!
Also for those PMS Days
when all the World Seems
Make up some Mugs filled
with small Chocolate Candies
Such as the Hersheys
Assorted Miniatures
And small Chocolate bars
and Chocolate Kisses
And be ready to Hand
out in
An "Emergency Depressed/Moody/Stressed
Out" Situation!
Stress Buster!
(The strictly
my Chocoholic opinion)
Patrick Comb's Good
Thinking..motivational writings.

Take the Time
Why don't people stop and think
Why don't they ever see...
That one of life's most perfect gifts
Is theirs each day, for free?
Take the time to watch a sunset
Or walk through a summer shower
There's nothing so important
That it cannot wait an hour...
Take the time to say a prayer
Make love or make a friend,
Play with children, read a book
The learning shouldn't end.
Take time to say "I'm sorry"
And learn how to forgive.
Let justice, love and loyalty
Dictate the way you live.
Take the time and use it well
Or one day when you wake;
You'll find that when you need it most
There's no time left to take!!
-Dusty Tincher
cc 1985
To top of page
Daily inspiration in your
e-mail box...
you can get it by subscribing
to the online subscription
at Follow Your Dreams.Com
Laughing in the face of
stress..can be very relaxing ..
Pay a visit to the Stress
the office is open 24
hours a day, no appt. needed!
Enchanted Mindoffers thoughts to inspire you!
Please Visit a joyful
and peaceful site
Hearts! ~ Universal Hope for a Wise Hearted Planet
Do you need a kind word,
a letter of encouragement,
a sympathetic ear, prayer,
or help with local agencies..
then please allow the
folk over at Partners
in Support to assist you.
Soup For Your SoulTreat yourself to a daily helping of love, laughter,
hope and inspiration with Chicken Soup for the Soul: Home Delivery... a
free inspirational e-mail service from Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of
the New York Times best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
To Read Good News
for a change Click On - The Positive
"Never speak of yourself
to others;
make them talk about
themselves instead:
therein lies the whole
art of pleasing."
-- J.E de Goncourt, "Idees
et Sensations," 1866
To recieve a Free Daily
Positive Saying..
give your e-mail information
to Positive Press.Com
Positive & thoughtful..
Many people will walk in
and out of your life,
but only true friends
will leave footprints
in your heart.
To handle yourself,
use your head; To handle
use your heart.
Anger is only one letter
short of danger.
If someone betrays you
it's his fault;
if he betrays you twice,
it's your fault.
Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss
Small minds discuss people.
God gives every bird its
But He does not throw
it into its nest.
He who loses money, loses
He who loses a friend,
loses more;
He who loses faith, loses
Beautiful young people
are acts of nature,
But beautiful old people
are works of art.
Learn from the mistakes
of others.
You can't live long enough
to make them all yourself.
The tongue weighs practically
But so few people can
hold it.
Friends, you and me....
you brought another friend...
and then there were 3...
we started our group...
Our circle of friends...
and like that circle...
there is no beginning
or end..
To top
of page
Take a Deep Breath.."Breathing"
for Stress Reduction & Relaxation Sites
Breathing techniquesfor different situations, from MediConsult
Relax in 60 Seconds Flat!
Taking a full, deep breath
throughout the day
can prevent stress headache
and muscle tension.
Deep breathing has a
relaxing effect
on the sympathetic part
of the nervous
system—the part that
an adrenaline rush when
you're frightened, angry
or stressed.
To counteract stress,
simply hold
your breath between the
and the exhale for a
count of three
or a little longer.
Then let the breath out
one easy soothing exhalation,
like a huge sigh.
This simple exercise
the heart to slow down.
Next, sit back quietly
with your back straight.
Place one hand on your
breathe deeply and imagine
the breath
going into your hand
as it
gently rises and falls
with your abdomen.
Do this for one minute.
For the rest of the day,
try to be "mindful"
of your breath, see what
From Breathing.Com..try
More Breathing
Techniques - from Authentic-Breathing.Com
Tips & Research from
Breathing Secrets To
Stave off Stress
Self Help & Psychology
Magazines' Breathing
Dr. Weil's Relaxation
Breathing Technique
YOGA style
Meditation for Relaxation
Try these Meditation
Exercises Site 1 and
here Site
2 for Meditation Exercises
or - Exercises for Meditation
To Insight Meditation Amaravati Buddhist Centre, U.K. (1988)
Learn : More Meditation
ideas & suggestions
Visit the Holistic
Healing site on
I hope you found a
site to Sooth and Inspire..
Please Sign
my Guest book....
and let me know what
link(s) proved the most useful
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of page
Would you like.. A "Spot"
of TEA!
Well, here is a listing of several spots
Tea Co. - all about tea and more
Making the perfect
pot of tea
of Knowledge: Recipes & Much More for Comforting the soul
Many more Tea
Related Links..on a page of their own
I have some ideas and
recipes for a.. Tea
Have Tea With Friends,
Family and Neighbors..Relax, Enjoy!
To top
of page
of Peace
If no one holds a vision
of war, then war cannot exist.
The same can be said
for hatred, greed, indifference, etc.
Thus came the vision
for the Vows of Peace.
These vows started as
a collective effort of seven people
and will be ever evolving
with input from anyone that
feels called to add their
The idea is that the more
people that can take the vows
(and write them in their
own handwriting,
read them as often as
possible, and keep a copy with them at
all times to share with
the more peaceful we
will be as individuals
and the more peaceful
the world will be.
Please print and make
copies of these vows and give,
post up, hand out, mail,
(you can copy and paste
the words on this page into an e-mail message)
and distribute them in
every way possible to as many people as possible.
You could even make a
button, t-shirt,
sign or bumper sticker
that says something like,
"Have you taken the Vows
of Peace?
Ask me about it!" Be
Together we CAN bring
peace to the Earth.
I vow to always do what I
know in my innermost self to be right.
I vow to make eye contact
with and smile at, or wave to, very one I see.
I vow to treat others as
I wish to be treated.
I vow to treat myself as
I want others to treat me, to take care of myself and my body, to work
on healing my emotional wounds so there is more room for peace in my being,
and to look in the mirror and say, "I love you" at least once a day.
I vow to do whatever I can
to make myself a more peaceful person.
(Examples: taking a class
in, or reading a book about, yoga, tai-chi, meditation, breath work or
reading a book.)
I vow to release myself from
the pain of things I cannot change.
I vow to do more and try
harder than I ever have in the past.
I vow to use my time wisely
and to prioritize the tasks in my life in a way that is of most benefit
to all.
I vow to concentrate on the
positive aspects in my life.
I vow to respect all living
things and to help all living things that are in need.
I vow to see the good in
everyone and help each person bring forth their best self.
I vow to treat everyone as
my sister or brother and to do my best to learn something from everyone
I meet.
I vow when I feel someone
is "doing something wrong," to mentally and emotionally "put myself in
their shoes" to understand why they have chosen that course of action.
I vow to defend the rights
of children and others unable to defend themselves and to do my best to
empower them to defend them selves.
I vow to help all the children
in my life become more peaceful, loving adults.
I vow to use all the talents
that I have been blessed with in a way that is in harmony with the highest
possible good in the universe.
I vow to help create a peaceful
and harmonious environment at home, at work, and everywhere else I happen
to be.
I vow to abide by divine
law above and beyond all other laws.
I vow to put forth-loving
effort in all that I do and insure the quality of service that I provide
to others.
I vow to be thankful for
all that I have, especially the food that I eat.
I vow to make a conscious
effort to have peaceful thoughts because my thoughts create my reality.
I vow to Visualize World
Peace at every free moment throughout the day.
I vow to focus only on positive
possible outcomes of the future because the future is not yet written and
our collective thoughts create our reality.
To top of
and Comtemplate
these thoughts
& Resources to help us deal with the
events of September 11,
2001 - that happened in the United States
The Trouble Tree
The carpenter I hired
to help me restore an old
farmhouse had just finished
a rough
first day on the job.
A flat tire made him
lose an hour of work,
his electric saw quit
and now his
ancient pickup truck
refused to start.
While I drove him home,
he sat in stony silence.
On arriving, he invited
me in to meet his family.
As we walked toward the
front door,
he paused briefly at
a small tree,
touching the tips of
the branches with both hands.
When opening the door,
he underwent an amazing
His tanned face was wreathed
in smiles and
he hugged his two small
children and gave his wife a kiss.
Afterward he walked me
to the car.
We passed the tree and
my Curiosity
got the better of me.
I asked him about what
I had
seen him do earlier.
"Oh, that's my trouble
tree," he replied.
"I know I can't help
having troubles on the job,
but one thing for sure,
troubles don't belong
in the house with my wife
and the children.
So I just hang them up
on the tree every night
when I come home.
Then in the morning I
pick them up again.
"Funny thing is," he
"when I come out in the
morning to pick 'em up,
there ain't nearly as
many as I
remember hanging up the
night before."
By Author Unknown
from A 4th Course of
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Copyright 1997 by Jack
Mark Victor Hansen,
Hanoch McCarty &
Meladee McCarty
To top
of page
A favorite quote of mine..said
often to my kids..
"Do it the RIGHT Way!
HAPPY the Rest of Your Life
-- Do it the WRONG Way,
and Sooner or Later-
"You!", pay the PRICE!!"
The easy way
We'd like to think that
for every difficult problem
there is an easy answer.
Yet most easy answers
are a trap.
They may seem easy on
the surface,
but they usually demand
a serious and substantial compromise.
For example, telling a
lie can often seem to be the easy way out
of a difficult situation.
Yet when you tell a lie
you become a slave to
You must forever bear
the burden of maintaining the lie.
That usually involves
telling more involved lies,
each of which compound
your burden.
The easy answers are only
easy in the short term.
The short term is over
far too soon, and you are
left with the continuing
legacy of your reckless haste.
When something seems
too easy, it probably is.
In the end, the true "easy
way out" is to avoid the shortcuts
and the too-easy answers,
and to do what is necessary and right.
Difficult problems require
commitment and persistence to overcome.
Great accomplishments
require great effort.
Be willing to pay the
price up front.
The sooner you do what
needs to be done, the more effective you will be.
-- Ralph Marston
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e-mail me with your comments
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