I am a Hospital Medical Library
Technician who has tried to put together - links to helpful sites for the
Consumer & the Professional - it is by no means a complete or definitive
listing of the available Medical Information sites on the Internet.
While being an educated
consumer means you have to do alot of research and reading on your own,
The Internet - is a faceless medium, and "anyone" can CLAIM "anything"
and also CLAIM to BE ANYONE! (I have a page of links
for information about various Scams and Fraud on the Internet - Check it
out HERE)
Don't be swayed by slick
pages, and look to see if the author is trying to SELL a product or Information
to you. Be sure to always check the Source of Information you find on the
Internet, look to see when the site was last Updated..Read "all disclaimers".
Check with your own HealthCare Provider Before Trying any NEW Treatment,
Drug or Experimental Therapy. And - even Online
Support Groups, & Chat rooms, that have helped thousands of
people discuss issues and discover & share new found information..please
- also be aware, that salespeople, quacks and medical imposters..also are
knowledgeable about the support groups, email lists - etc. They could very
easily..join in on your lists, and discussions. Never discuss or divulge
personal information, such as addresses or phone numbers on Listservs or
in Chat Rooms..do that in private offline e-mail - only with people you
know and trust. I have tried listing reliable sites, containing Consumer
Health Information, but each of these sites do carry disclaimers, that
they DO NOT diagnose, or Recommend an exact course of treatment..The sites
are Informational Only. The Internet is ever changing, and Web Sites come
and go everyday..So if you try a site and it is no longer available, there
are Search Engines on the
Internet to use and locate the same information. I have listed below
Sites that offer Free
Medline Searching and Instructional Sites/Links on "How to Use" the
most popular Medline search sites. MEDLINE is an Index that indexes the
Medical Literature from 1966-to present.
To help people understand “medspeak”
terms, the specialized language of health care professionals,
The Medical Library Association
has developed a brochure, “Deciphering
Medspeak.” To obtain a single copy E-Mail
- Tomi
Gunn or write -
Medical Library Association
65 East Wacker Place, Suite
Chicago, IL 60601-7298
Phone, 312/419-9094; fax,
Hours - a medical news service delivered via the Internet, will help you react to
general health related articles that have appeared within the press
within the last 48 hours. This site is designed to
help the user become proactive with health issues within
the news. It helps address misconceptions, provides additional information, and offers a context in
which consumers can view the
information in relation to their own
personal health issues.
New Site for 2000 LaurusHealth.com
Better Health Through Information
Find Informative Consumer Health Resources
on the LaurusHealth Site
***NEWS** Reuters news service reported
on a web site
that grades hospital cardiology
& other departments
by examining a very important
how well their patients survive.
You can check out the site
at HealthCare
Report Cards
Is YOUR opportunity to take
control of your medical records through a secure, password
protected service that is available 24 hours
a day from anywhere in the world. Access and update your
records anytime, or search the entire Internet for the very latest information pertaining to your precise
health care profile.
Here is another site, to
try that allows Free Registration and the ability to create
your own
Experts.Com...claims they have "Medical experts to answer any medical
questions you have via E-Mail - INFORMATIONAL ONLY!! - no diagnosis or
treatment options are given
Lung Association - Contains information about lung health, (e.g., asthma,
smoking, lung diseases), copies of the ALA's latest press releases, details
about programs offered by local offices, and an overview of the association.
Medical Association - Use AMA Physician Select to locate a doctor by
name, specialty and location from over 650,000 physicians licensed to practice
in the US. The AMA Health Insight contains a Reference Library with additional
sources of health information for the consumer. This is an excellent site
for both consumer & professional.
Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA) Patient
Society - Provides an entire library of educational material covering
topics related to leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and Hodgkin's Disease. Additional
links exist for a variety of patient services such as support groups, sources
of financial aid and related informative Internet sites.
Net - Provides easy navigation to topics: Diseases & Treatment;
Procedures & Tests; Pharmacy Index; Medical Dictionary; First Aid;
and A Listing of Poison Control Centers.
you're struggling with chronic health problems, or just looking to get
the most out of life, then you've come to the right place--we can help
you with comprehensive health information just a mouse click away."
National Library of Medicine's MEDLINEplus information pages are designed
to direct you to resources containing information that will help you research
your health questions.
- Full-text articles and MEDLINE searching are also available. The service
is FREE with a one-time registration.
Health Information Center - Gives Information and a Toll Free Phone
Number Listing for health related Organizations and Associations.
Women's Health Resource Center - This national clearinghouse for women's
health information provides brief, objective information on a variety of
women's health topics which focus on prevention and wellness.
- New York Online Access to Health contains Spanish and English resources
on Aging, AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, and Nutrition...and other
Contents List - Use this link to search for CancerNet publications
including the PDQ Treatment Summaries, Prevention Summaries, and Drug Information.
Yes! you can shop safely ONLINE-
here is a Drugstore & More to buy from - They offer FREE
And the price stays the same
to Page Contents
to Electronic Medical Journals and Indexes
Note: Some journals may require
Registration or Subscription
in order to ACCESS them.
At the Library I work for - we
are often asked..
Where can I get the "FULL
TEXT" of the articles that I want? Please understand that few
sites will be offering such a feature..unless you pay a "FEE!". There are several things to
consider, Copyright issues,
How many articles to be made
available and how far back to archive articles.
Maintaining a web site and
making available each and every article for even a 5 year period
is not practical.
Most of the FREE MEDLINE
sites listed.
do offer the Full Abstracts
of articles.
Journal Sites - will
also have available -
Table of Contents, Information
for Authors, Subscription Information
and often E-Mail service for
TOC's and updates to their
BioMedNet (site requires registration,
which is offered "free")
search this site for documentation on using OVID's database interface
is an international research site with proprietary search engines for every
medical speciality in medicine, searching only medical databases.
For Consumers, Professionals,
and Researchers.
***New*** E-Mail Literature
Search Services!!
Have Literature Searches
done automatically and have the results E-Mailed
to YOU! Check
out - AMEDEO a FREE Medical Literature Service AND JADE
from The National Center for Emergency
Medicine Users create a search as
they would with PubMed, and the searches will be
run once a week and the results with abstracts will be
e-mailed directly to you.
Medlinefree registration (see above) - Excellent Free Medline site
- is a FREE version of the complete MEDLINE database made available by
National Library of Medicine's MEDLINEplus information pages are designed
to direct you to resources containing information that will help you research
your health questions.
World Search this search engine is best used for specific clinical
searches involving diseases and conditions..uses NLM's UMLS to recognize
medical terminology
- one-time registration is necessary for this free source of full-text,
peer-reviewed clinical journals. Free MEDLINE access is also available.
- Contains links to 18 full-text or abstracted medical journals and newswire
of Journals and Electronic
Publications available ONLINE. You also may try another listing with most of the same information Medical
Journal Finder A-Z Menu and see Medical
Journals Online Stanford's
Highwire Press offers links to several
Medical Journals and a easy to navigate
menu for each title The AMA
offers TOC's, Abstracts, and some Full text of its
publications WebMedLit
Currently tracks 22 leading Medical journals
Sign up for FREE
at Medscape and have QUICK access to
Scan" A Clinicians Guide to the
Latest Literature. Medscape does offer Full
Text when available.
CardioThoracic Surgery Network...has a listing
of Journals for the CardioThoracic
Physician. The site also has links
to pages with full text articles of interest. The
CTS Network does require registration for some of its features,
but much of the content is freely accessible.
and Scientific News Resources links compiled by the Health Sciences
Library System at the University of Pittsburgh which provides quick access
to a variety of medical and news sites
The Lyman Maynard Stowe Library's
Biomedicine and Health in
the News provides a brief synopsis and complete journal article citation
for New York Times articles referring to current and forthcoming medical
Web Locator offered by the Villanova Center for Information Law and
Policy provides comprehensive access points to federal government information
on the World Wide Web.
- find authoritative information and statistics for more than 70 federal
contains information on the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC), free tax forms, and links to most every
other source of governmental information.
Printing Office Search the full text of the Federal Register, Congressional
Record, the United States Code and more.
- Purdue University's new Government Documents site features links
to federal government servers, U.S. state and territorial governments,
foreign governments, and several international governmental organizations.
- search the fulltext of legislation from the 103rd and 104th Congresses
- includes links to many other governmental resources
- Environmental Protection Agency, site of the Chemical Fact Sheets produced
by the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics. The Fact Sheets contain
a brief summary on selected chemicals. Use the Search feature to locate
specific fact sheets.
Health Information Center - includes phone listings, health observances
calendar, full text documents, links to over 1,100 consumer health organizations,
conference information, and links to other health department and public
health web sites
Select - a database of over 6,000 US hospitals searchable by name and
location. Entries include name, address, phone numbers and county location.
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Full text clinical practice guidelines and other health care decision making
documents including the AHCPR Guidelines
Guidelines Clearinghouse. . .(NGC) is an Internet Web site intended
to make evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related abstract,
summary, and comparison materials widely available to health care professionals.
Other Useful Sites
Hippo is a collection of policy and regulatory materials related to
health care
Meetings - an outstanding list, including search capabilities, of over
1900 listings through the year 2005
is an extensive, advertiser sponsored collection of conference listings
which you can search by specialty, location, dates and program title.
Register on this site for free
in the HealthCare Professionals portion - for information and educational
resources,CME, peer to peer discussion groups - found on HealthAnswers.Com
On June 26, 1997, NLM announced
that its MEDLINE
database of more than 8.8 million references to articles published in 3800
biomedical journals may be accessed free of charge on the World Wide Web.
Two Web-based products, Internet Grateful Med and PubMed, provide this
access. Below is a brief description of each system. For further information,
see the documentation at each site. Health consumers are encouraged to
discuss search results with their health care provider.
Provides free access to MEDLINE,
Can use Loansome Doc - Document
Delivery service (for domestic U.S. and Canadian health professional users;
local charges may apply.)
Search features:
Utilize full range of Medical
Subject Heading (MeSH) search features using UMLS Metathesaurus.
Ability to limit searches by language,
publication type, age groups, etc., using pull-down menus.
Provides free access to MEDLINE.
Sets of related articles pre-computed
for each article cited in MEDLINE
Choice of Web search interfaces
from simple keywords to advanced Boolean expressions. Field restrictions
and MeSH index terms (main topics and subheadings) supported.
Linkages to publishers' sites
for full-text journals. Initially 24 journals available, some by subscription
Clinical query form with built-in
search filters for diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis.
Links to molecular biology databases
of DNA/protein sequences and 3-D structure data.
Thank you for Linking by..Please
understand, I make no personal claims as to the validity of/or information
provided by the Sites listed..as always..for Medical Information..please
seek advice from a Qualified HealthCare Professional.
The URL for this page is:
web page author:
Mary Niederlander, Medical
Library Technician/Information Specialist
Local and National Health Sites
& Information available from my Libraries Web site
Health Libraries