![]() "God Bless America"
Then came the Internet & Beyond..How to get on the net, learn, and go Beyond. How to find the best spots on the web for Creating your OWN Space in this Infinite Universe - we call the Internet. **BE SURE TO CHECK OUT** Check out the I am truly a
"link-a-holic". Everyday, I find new and wonderful places to explore and
share with family, friends, and those that just happen along..via the
super highway "off ramps". I enjoy "Surfing" and have a knack for finding
Information and Love the "Thrill Of The Hunt" for IT!
Hope you find
something interesting, fun, informative, educational and please come by
again. ~ Mary.
This Buffalo Gal is Out
tonight..surfing. On This Page are the links to the majority of my
original, web page collection, that began to overflow my "geocities"
account. I have pages on FUN Stuff, FREE Stuff, ONLINE SHOPPING$$ &
More. Then there are the Picture pages, can't forget the wonderful FAMILY
I have. View the Pictures of the recent 8/2000 OLD SALTS REGATTA All of my web pages, go round like a circle, if you're on one, it will surely go round to another. My BuffaloGal pages are where Family should gather. . Just remember: link2mary.com and that will bring you Home - (to HERE anyway!) I have lived in the City of Buffalo, all of my life. I have also traveled quite a bit..and it is TRUE, there is no place like HOME! Buffalo as they say is the City of No Illusions, No GOAL, Wide Right, and home to some of the Best Food on the PLANET! Come see some sites and learn some things you may not have known, if you are visiting, Check out the wonderful things to see and do. The city, while seemingly, always under Road Construction, is easy to drive around and Quite Beautiful in the FALL, Comfortable with Lake Breezes in the Summer, Not as Bad as the NEWS makes out, in the Winter, and just fine in the Spring, after we wash off all the road salt.
![]() Buffalonians DO have a great sense of HUMOR. And while I do not claim authorship for any of the "memories", lines and quips..I am happy to gather them all together and share. You know you're from Buffalo if....(Well you'll have to click above, to find out!) Medical Information on the Internet, is one of the most "searched" things people are looking for. But there is also a great deal of "mis-information". Anyone can post anything, and say anything. I work in a Medical Library and have tried to review and evaluate the sites I have posted. Please take a look at the resources available for the consumer and the professional. But please, Always confer with your own Health Care Professional, before trying or purchasing any new drug, treatment, or taking advice from someone you just read on the internet. When it comes to your Health and that of your Family, the Internet can be a difficult road to navigate..Take Care, and drive Slowly, and Read ALL the Signs!!. Oh, on this page..will be just a bunch of stuff, I haven't figured out what to do with. And things I think are just really fun and or unusual. Sometimes I come across, a new "application" or a great site that is just so innovative or informative. I will put my "discoveries" here..and if it's NEW to Me! And I will more than likely add any new comments or point out new items I added on other pages. This page - will give you all the various ways you can get in touch with me. I have more net e-mail accounts, voice mail, pagoo, instant messengers, and web spots, than one person should be allowed..but I do really enjoy the contacts, the messages and the comments..so feel free to Say Hello, and let me know, what you're thinking. The Index, will list all the pages that link off of the Main URL - link2mary.com. If you need to find a particular page - this is your best place to look. |
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