This Is What's New To Me

And Maybe You Too.

October 18th, 2001
-Well, they bombed the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. Half the liberals go on about how we deserved it. We drop food on Afghanistan and bombs on the military and Taliban targets, and they say that WE are the terrorists. Sigh.
-Anthrax has apparently been released in America. Well, with one person dead and the numbers of of infected people literally in the tens, I say that it's high time to stop the bombing, shut down Congress, and declare our country free for the taking.
-In a related story, the metal band Anthrax pulled a fast one on the American public by declaring that they would change their name to "Basket Full of Puppies." There is apparently no truth to this rumor.
-My very own Virginia Tech was apparently the subject of a bomb scare last week. They evacuated a lot of buildings for several hours before determining that the package was several bars of soap wrapped in tin foil with a plastic timer attached.

September 9, 2001
-It's been nearly nine months since I last updated. Heck I could've had a baby in that time, assuming I was a woman and I was pregnant!
-Classes here are pretty good, especially my Civil War course with Dr. Robertson and my General Zoology course with Dr. Opell. Take these courses!
-I'm rereading Mere Christianity. I may put up my thoughts, if I get over my slacker impulses.
-Speaking of slacking, I've made a decision to try and stop doing that. It's not going to be easy, and I may not come back alive, but it's the last, best hope for my GPA.
-I've joined the Wesley Foundation. Everyone there seems nice, and I like the services at Blacksburg United Methodist Church as well. You should go.

January 23, 2001
-Happy New Year! The world's still here, and, as we shall see by the next news item, a far better place!
-President George W. Bush has been inaugurated! No more Clinton, no more Bill, no more scandalous beans to spill! Dubya is the kind of man we conservatives have been waiting for for eight long years. Viva el Presidente!
-Virginia Tech beat Clemson 41-20 in the Gator Bowl. Our band ruled, we even got compliments from Clemson fans! Unfortunately, even though I'm in Pep Band, it'll be quite a while before I get to play Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye again. So goes it.
-I'm going to the Southeast Horn Conference in early February. Road Trip! Well...sort of.
-I took a slightly different version of the Purity Test (more clarifications...), and got around an 88. I think I'm still the most pure of the horns, though.

December 8, 2000
-I'll be spending New Years in sunny Jacksonville! Now, I SHOULD have been spending it in sunny Tempe, but so be it.
-I'm returning to work at Ft. Hunt on the 18th! Megan's also returning, and Jill got hired there. It'll be a virtual Hokie-fest, though it'll smell like dogs and chlorohexiderm.
-I managed to score a 93.8 on the 500 Question Purity Test. So long as I don't become a dendronecrophiliac or rent a hooker, I'll beat Tara's 93 from two years ago! Here's someone to be your hero, children!

September 25, 2000
-It's my sisters' birthday! Happy birthday Catherine, Alice, and Christine!
-I met really cool people here at college. Laura, Christy, Tara, you're nifty. And Jill and Kevin are cool as ever.
-I've resisted the urge to drink. I'll hold out for Zubrovka or Absinthe. Either that or hard drugs. Mmm, Semester Off!
-I'm in the Marching Virginians! All the horns are great, and man can they drink! And here I'm still spitting out Listerine after I finish! They could drink me under the table in no time flat!
-I'm in the Wind Ensemble! 2nd Chair! Luckily, the principal (Christy) is here for another year or two, so I don't have to even worry about being first chair for quite a while! I RULE!

April 30, 2000
-I've been accepted into the Biology department at Virginia Tech! I will later audition to be part of the Marching Virginians, and I will be rooming with Hippo. Yay!
-And they said it couldn't be done...I got date to Prom! I'm going with Jessica Koziski. She's 16, has no definite college plans yet, and enjoys long walks on the beach and watching Inter-Gender Wrestling. Score!
-I've been working at my new job for about a month now, at the Ft. Hunt Animal Hospital, where I work as an assistant. Everyone there is cool, and I've gotten most of them to start calling me El Guapo. Ego Trip!
-I'm going to be playing a Senior Solo at our last concert! It's a Mozart Rondo, and I got it 3 days ago. I'm confident that it will be a showstopper. Buckets!

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