Hard-Core Hornography

If you're looking for hot, steamy, sweaty, teenage Asian lesbian action, you're in the wrong place.

Well, I've actually got a few pictures, mostly ripped off from the VT Horn Porn page. Move your cursor over the picture to see the story behind it. The titles of the pictures are usually references to movies, literature, or whatever, so feel free to think I'm a supercilious prick for naming them what I did instead of "rock" or "me."

Mellophone Hiking Trip '00
'The Seventh Level of Hell' Some of us jumped in the frikkin cold water while hiking at the Cascades...and hardly any of us were even drunk!  Tons of fun, though, I'd like to try it again when it's warm.  Front row is, left to right, Leslie W, Kathy, Debbie, and Tara, with my handsome mug in the back

'Stairway to Heaven' Group pose!  Group pose! From left to right, we've got Leslie W, Tara, Kathy's lover, Kathy, Debbie, me, and Christy.  As we shall see, I'm in most of these pictures.

'Crouching Mellophones, Hidden Robbie' For once, I'm not in one of these pictures, but since it's got four chicks, I figure we can call it even.  From left to right, it's Kathy, Debbie, Tara, and Christy.

'Mug Shot' Since I wasn't in the last picture, I thought I'd give you all a treat and just have a really awful picture of me!  Yeah!  Makes it all better!

'Pulp Fiction II'   Where's the gimp?  No, we're not talking about me, even though I'm not in the picture (again).  What we do have is Debbie grinning at the camera while Tara is apparently being sodomized by an unknown mellophone.  She's used to it.

Southeast Horn Conference '01
'SEHC Participants' It's a picture of the students from Virginia Tech, Appalachian State, Georgetown, and University of Tennessee-Knoxville.  Far right of the first row is Christy, far right of the second row is Leslie S, and far right of the third row is Yours Truly.  In the back we can see the representatives from Phi Mu Alpha at U-Tenn Knox with their hands in their crotches.  One of their pledges took this picture.

'Hokie Horns and a Horrible Hawk' This picture is of, from left to right, Leslie S, myself, and Christy.  I haven't a clue if the sculpture/mobile is of a hawk, eagle, vulture, or chicken.  It was made out of scrap car parts, though.

'My Drinking Problem' Here we see El Guapo reclining in the motel room, just after finishing off a bottle of orange soda.  Note the unfocused eyes and poor hair coordination.

Bandquet '01
'Big Pimpin' Again from left to right, Leslie S, Pimp Daddy, and Christy.  This was at the Bandquet.  As has been noted, I'm always photogenic.  In hindsight, I probably should've worn the silver tie, but the lesson has been learned.

Special thanks to Christy, Chad, and Debbie for giving me the pictures, and Kevin and Theresa for helping me edit them.

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