I sure hope she's happy, now that she has Sex With Kevin.
© 2112
Of course, now that you've been to this page, you've had Sex With Kevin.
Ah! That must mean that I have Sex With Kevin! No!
Stop the insanity! No more Sex with Kevin!
Sex With Kevin NEWS!
-Quite a few people got to have SEX WITH KEVIN, thanks to the Worst of the Web
-Huzzah! She finally succumbed and has had SEX WITH KEVIN! It was a little odd, being his roommate and all while this happened, but so be it. I think I'll have to run down to the store and buy this young man a cigar! Congrats, boy-o!
-1700 visitors?!? Good lord, there's a lot of perverts out there!
-I would say that I want advertising (no porn) to raise money to support this website, but that's not true. I want it for my own capitalistic ends. Maybe the guys who wanted me to sell Che Guevara t-shirts on my Communist page will contact me again.
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How Was He? Do we need to discipline him some more?
people have had Sex With Kevin. Perverts.
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