Chez Alphonse

Immanentizing the eschaton since 1982

Those bastards.Main Screen Turn On!

My Virginia Tech Hokies somehow failed to defeat the hated Florida State Seminoles in the Gator Bowl, giving us an 8-4 season. Meanwhile, my Washington Redskins did put together a victory against the Arizona Cardinals in weather that was frightful (but the couches inside the stadium were so delightful).

One highlight the Gator Bowl trip included being woken up in the wee hours of New Year's Day by a fire alarm, set off by some idiot male cheerleaders. Out of the entire hotel, about thirty people went outside. Most people I know didn't even wake up. Another was working on the Horn Lust Journal with Tara and Melissa, a grand and noble effort, despite only about 1/9 of the horns participating in a meaningful way. Final highlight: taking twenty-one hours to get back from Jacksonville due to snow, seeing a car driving the wrong way on an icy street, and realizing at 2AM that only being in Petersburg wasn't a good thing.

Also, at long last, I've figured out how to change my Virginia Tech email account name! While you can still email me at the old one listed below, also works.

Lastly, with the Commie page gone (or at least hidden), the way has been paved for me to join the Virginia Tech Wesley Foundation. Okay, so they're unrelated, but you can still access the Wesley Foundation at one of the new links below.

As for communications, you can email me at or IM me as ElGuapoSiempre (it means "the handsome one, forever").

Take Off Every 'Zig'All Your Links Are Belong To Us For Great Justice!

Personal Info
What I'm Thinking (you probably don't want to know) Updated with new thoughts 10/18/01!
New News As of 10/18/01, at least.
You Know You Want To... Featured in Worst of the Web!
The start of a trend...
Let Others Know What You Think!
Some thoughts on religion Brand new and critically acclaimed!

It's a counter.  It counts.  Watch it go.
You Have No Chance To Survive Make Your Time

© Class of 2004
"The path to Salvation is as narrow as the razor's edge." -Lama, The Razor's Edge (1984)
Updated 11/11/01
The Pimpdaddy Himself

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