Welcome to our Guestbook!

Doug Towns - 07/28/00 01:17:43
My Email:vikingman2000@aol.com
Your Lodge: San Jacinto #106 (Willis, Tx)

I just received my M.M. degree at the Willis Lodge. I am a member of the Huffman lodge but live closer to Willis and will soon be a member. Just wanted to say hello to my fellow brethern and hope to attend as many different lodge meetings as I can to meet my fellow brethern through out the world, starting in Texas.

saleem siddiqui - 01/12/00 04:25:17
My Email:saleemsiddiqui@hotmail.com

I have always been interested in freemasonry and would like to join a lodge....how do I get more info?

- 08/05/99 02:34:55


Ricardo Parente - 07/19/99 03:31:38
My URL:http://www.northshore277.org
My Email:jwarden@northshore277.org
Your Lodge: North Shore Lodge 277
Office Held: J.Warden

Fraternal greetings from the brethren of North Shore Lodge 277, Hialeah, FL. We have added a link in our homepage to yours. Please visit us at: http://www.northshore277.org. Best regards, Ricardo Parente, J:.W:. jwarden@northshore277.org

Anibal G. Leon - 07/15/99 22:49:11
My Email:leonao@pdvsa.com
Your Lodge: Regeneradores No. 6
Office Held: Worshipful Master

My greetings from Maracaibo - Venezuela I am planning to visit Houston next Octuber and probably will make you a visit.

THOMAS HUGHES - 07/13/99 20:18:32
My Email:trhughes@argolink.net
Your Lodge: gardenoaks 1306
Office Held: pastmaster-present treasurer

just pasing thru ,checking out the info on our website. not bad ,however i think we need to take notes from our brothers @laporte lodge.i think everyone who visits them will agree.today is 7 13 99 see you all tonight. T.R.H.

Ray O wens - 06/30/99 21:14:37
My Email:cohts@aol.com
Your Lodge: Cade-Rothwell 1151
Office Held: none

Visited awhile back,just wanted ya'll to know I enjoyed the visit. Hope to come back soon.Keep up the good work. Fraternally yours,Ray Owens

brian kerr - 06/13/99 20:42:06
My Email:brian @23etjo.freeserve.co.uk
Your Lodge: houstoun st johnstone.242
Office Held: right worshipful master

fraternal greetings from the brethren of lodge houstoun st johnstone 242 in scotland. any brother finding himself in scotland will be made more than welcome should he wish to visit us. regards brian kerr.R.W.M.242.

Blair J. Wishart - 06/07/99 18:04:18
My Email:wishart@aberdeen93
Your Lodge: Lodge Marnoch No.1325 Abercherder, Bamffshire, Scotland.
Office Held: R.W.M.

If I manage to come over to Houston, Iwould very mutch like to visit.

Greg Murphy - 05/28/99 21:53:55

Sorry to sign multiple time, I kept receiving an error and did not realize it was posting. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Greg Murphy - 05/28/99 21:50:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/
My Email:Garden_Oaks@yahoo.com

I am building a Garden Oaks web page at the above URL, http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/ I have added a link to your web page as you and your lodge are an important part of our community. Please visit my site and let me know of anything I can do to my page to make it better. Feel free to add a link on your page.

Greg Murphy - 05/28/99 21:50:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/
My Email:Garden_Oaks@yahoo.com

I am building a Garden Oaks web page at the above URL, http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/ I have added a link to your web page as you and your lodge are an important part of our community. Please visit my site and let me know of anything I can do to my page to make it better. Feel free to add a link on your page.

Greg Murphy - 05/28/99 21:50:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/
My Email:Garden_Oaks@yahoo.com

I am building a Garden Oaks web page at the above URL, http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/ I have added a link to your web page as you and your lodge are an important part of our community. Please visit my site and let me know of anything I can do to my page to make it better. Feel free to add a link on your page.

Greg Murphy - 05/28/99 21:50:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/
My Email:Garden_Oaks@yahoo.com

I am building a Garden Oaks web page at the above URL, http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/ I have added a link to your web page as you and your lodge are an important part of our community. Please visit my site and let me know of anything I can do to my page to make it better. Feel free to add a link on your page.

Greg Murphy - 05/28/99 21:49:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/
My Email:Garden_Oaks@yahoo.com

I am building a Garden Oaks web page at the above URL, http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/GardenOaks/ I have added a link to your web page as you and your lodge are an important part of our community. Please visit my site and let me know of anything I can do to my page to make it better. Feel free to add a link on your page.

Charles A Daily II - 02/20/99 15:10:25
My Email:cadii@worldnet.att.net
Your Lodge: el paso #13/douglas # 153 both in Colorado
Office Held: none

I am writing for my husband. We moved here 5 years ago from Colorado. We traveled all the time and dont know anyone here. My husband has been hurt and is getting ready for surgery I would like to find a lodge here he can join and once he's well he can get involved again. But right now I need a favor and that is to see if you have someone who has the time and patience to just give him moral support through this tough time and then help him get back in the lodge completly as he wants to. His name is Charles chuck) Daily II at 5206 Aspen Point Dr. Katy, Tx 77449 (281) 856-8327. Right now his first surgery is scheduled for 3/1/99. He has been hurt since may and has become depressed. I really think you men can help him. Before we travelled all the time he was appy being at lodge in colorado. Thankyou for your help. Debbie Daily

Kenneth R. Daniel - 02/18/99 20:25:57
My Email:Mase97@pdq.net
Your Lodge: Cedar Bayou 321
Office Held: none

Hello, Just checking out and comparing the pages of the Houston area lodges. Best of luck to us all...just remember Gideon's predicament was "too many men". It seldom takes a large group, just a dedicated one. Fraternally, Kenneth R. Daniel

Cleates Lee Wilford - 11/27/98 20:55:39
My URL:http://www.hal-pc.org/~cwilfo/
My Email:cwilfo@hal-pc.org
Your Lodge: Temple # 4 in Houston
Office Held: P.M.


Stephen Stock - 11/19/98 09:10:22
My URL:http://www.btinternet.com/~sstock
My Email:sstock@btinternet.com
Your Lodge: Stanford-le-hope #5217
Office Held: Steward

I'm visiting Houston before Christmas, and also for 2-3 weeks after Christmas, and hoping to attend a lodge meeting.

Jack Sammon - 11/15/98 00:54:08
My Email:jacksam@mail.lisp.com.au
Your Lodge: Unaffiliated
Office Held: P.M.

Just passing thought I might give my Fraternal greetings

Peter Olohan - 11/12/98 07:29:27
My Email:starpro@wt.net
Your Lodge: Gt.Sankey 5939 England
Office Held: Master Mason

I'm over visiting my sister, and have enjoyed many lodge meetings with my American Brethren back in U.K. and just wanted to say hello.

steven burnett - 10/29/98 04:23:04
My URL:/MotorCity/Speedway/2393/
My Email:burnettsteven@hotmail.com

would your lodge like to purchase a mahi motor corp (ft. lauderdale) lambretta scooter? it's a 1962 li125 parade bike with numerous shrine stickers.. runs great, looks good. email me

10/26/98 06:37:21
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Cindy - 09/24/98 14:27:58
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Darrell Davis - 09/01/98 20:40:12
My Email:DDavis@aol.com
Your Lodge: Lindale Park Loge
Office Held: SR.Stewart


Carol Willis - 08/13/98 03:46:30
My Email:carolwillis@geocities.com
Your Lodge: None
Office Held: None

Just checking out the page.

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