DATE OF BIRTH: 21.08.47
History, particularly English. My special periods are: The English Civil War, Pre Invasion Saxon, and 100 Years War.
Motor cycling in general. I am skilled in both solo and sidecar riding
having held a licence since I was 16. I sometimes pit-crew for the MZ- NZ road racing team.
Traditional jazz. I regret that I am unable to play any instruments, but
love listening to both live and recorded jazz. I have provided recordings and resource material to Radio Rhema for use on the "Just Jazz" programme.
Reading anything and everything. Whilst most of my reading is history related, I can sometimes be caught reading the Cornflakes packet if there is nothing else to hand. In addition to modern English I am competent in both written and spoken Middle English, and, with patience, can understand written Anglo-Saxon.
From the age of 9 months I have been a speedway fan. My preference is for spectating, but I often end up helping organise and run the meetings. I also occasionally pit-crew for solo riders and a Formula 500 midget car.
When I have the time I enjoy small game shooting on friends' farms.
I enjoy writing, and have many pen-friends world wide. I am also a regular contributor to the magazines published by the clubs I belong to. I am the author of two published novels: Wodens Wolf, and Just for Kicks. For extracts see: and
I own and maintain my own personal Internet Web. Two of the pages are internationally recognised as being of exceptional value. My Jazz site: contains general information on traditional jazz and a link to my CD review page, which is the largest currently on the Internet. My page on 1066 and the consequences of the Norman Conquest: is a recommended site for the US Navy Education Unit, and the Canadian Military College.
People skills, team building, relationship marketing, public speaking to both both large and small groups, lateral thinking, organising and co-ordinating, integrity.
Married since 1968, my wife and I have three sons. We also have three foster daughters.
May 1999 to date, Work & Income New Zealand, Debt Recovery Officer
Duties include: locating and contacting debtors, recovering debt by negotiation, recommending further action on un-recovered debt.
April 1999 to date, Waikato Honey, PR Officer (10%)
Duties include: formulate, guide, and oversee creation of educational Internet site and multimedia CD on bees and honey products.
October 1998 to May 1999, Digital Filing Solutions, Operations Manager
Duties include: oversight and co-ordination of Laser Colour Copy Centre's three production plants and retail shops. Oversight of Digital Filing Solutions' operations. Promotion of services provided by Laser Colour Copy Centre and Digital Filing Solutions.
October 1998 to June 1999, University of Waikato, Technology Management and Innovation unit, Executive Officer (20%). TMI migration to Executive Education, Waikato Management School, University of Waikato.
Duties include: relationship marketing to current customer base, liaison with contract consultants, financial oversight, World Wide Web site maintenance and page creation.
May 1994 to October 1998, University of Waikato, Technology Management and Innovation unit, Business Unit Manager/Executive Officer.
Duties included: administrative and managerial support to the unit, and the Director, in particular, providing budgetary advice and oversight, purchasing, arranging and organising off campus training courses, creating and maintaining unit databases, organising and co-ordinating contract consultants and temporary staff, liasing with industry and other educational facilities, and providing student support. World Wide Web page creation and maintenance for unit and other sections of School of Science and Technology.
April 1989 to May 1994, Telecom Networks and International/Telecom/Telecom New Zealand, Networks and Operations, Network Operations, Hamilton, Manager Administration.
Duties included: personnel functions, accounts, databases, travel arrangements, security of site, providing budgetary advice and preparing budgets, expenditure monitoring, purchasing, organising and overseeing meetings (including large scale international conferences), maintenance of site (including minor and major rebuilds), staff supervision.
January 1988 to April 1989, NZ Telecom, Network Management Centre, Hamilton, Administration Supervisor.
Duties included: general clerical duties, purchasing, wages, statistics, oversight of computer LAN, accounts, establishing and maintaining databases, travel arrangements.
April 1987 to January 1988, NZ Telecom, Toll Ex, Putaruru, Manager.
Duties included: staff management, planning, statistics, oversight of Branch.
September 1974 to April 1987, NZPO/NZ Telecom, Toll Ex, Te Kuiti, Supervisor/Snr Supervisor.
Duties included: staff supervision and control, statistics, overseeing training, wages and general clerical duties; Module Training leader.
August 1969 to September 1974, NZPO, Toll Exchange Te Awamutu, Toll Operator/Telex Clerk.
Duties included: Toll & Directory operating, basic training, Tel Ex 181 Conversion Training, Statistics.
July 1969 to August 1969, NZPO, C & M Branch, Te Awamutu, Temp Labourer.
Duties included: digging holes, laying cables, installing house wiring.
January 1965 to May 1969, Horatio Myer & Co. Ltd. Bedding and Light Furniture Manufacturer of Vauxhall Walk, London, England, Production Clerk.
Duties included initially: Production chasing, statistics, load and work analysis, stock taking; Subsequently: control of repair shop and four staff, wage and work breakdowns, physical examination and analysis of faulty and damaged bedding.
June 1964 to December 1965, British Civil Service, Home Office, Fire Dept. Whitehall, London, England, Clerical Officer.
Duties included: Inward/outward correspondence, organising training programmes, creating pen pictures relative to Honours and Awards, compiling statistics for Parliamentary reports.
May 1965 to June 1969, Wimbledon Stadium, Plough Lane, London, England, Bar Porter, General Porter, Bar Assistant, Hamburger Chef (all part-time positions).
I952-'55: Beatrix Potter School, Earlsfield, London (Primary)
1955-'58: Earlsfield Jnr Boys, Earlsfield, London (Junior)
1958-'64: Southfield's County, Southfield, London (Senior)
1963 to 1964: General Certificate of Education 'O' Level:
English Language
English Literature
General Science
Chemistry with Physics
Subsequent NZTCI Certificate of Proficiency in Basic Radio Theory
Qualifications: NZ Amateur Radio Operator's Licence
NZPO General Examination
NZPO Module Training Leader's Certificate
Excel Spreadsheet Stage I
Excel Spreadsheet Stage II
Microsoft Word 5 Introduction
Microsoft Word 5 Advanced
Word for Windows 6 Introduction
Word for Windows 6 Intermediate
Word for Windows 6 Advanced
The Order of St. John, Standard First Aid
Certificate of Proficiency in Historical Methodology (University of Waikato)
During my time with the NZPO I received four monetary awards and two commendations for suggestions made, and I have also received a monetary award from Telecom for exceptional performance.
1976 to 1979 Superintendent Anglican / Presbyterian Sunday School Kihi kihi
1979 to 1982 Member of the Waikato Anglican Youth Council
1983 to 1990 N.Z Herald delivery agent for Kihi kihi
1980 to 1985 Leader of Te Awamutu Jnr Boys Rally
1985 to 1990 Overall leader of all sections of Te Awamutu Every Boys Rally
1990 to 1993 Helper in the Crčche Te Awamutu Bible Chapel
1990 to 1996 CD reviewer for "Jazz Rag" magazine
1993 to 1995 Programme producer for Auckland Motorcycle Speedway Riders Club
1993 to 1997 Waikato Area Organiser for NZ Speedway League Association
1993 to 1998 National Co-ordinator for NZ Speedway League Association
1993 to 1998 Speedway Columnist for "Kiwi Rider" and "Always Upright" motorcycle magazines. Columnist for NZ Dirt Track
1994 to 1999 Motor Cycling New Zealand Steward (Speedway)
1994 to date Secretary of the Speedway Commission (MC NZ)
1994 to date Member Business Computing Advisory Committee, Waikato Polytechnic
1995 to 1997 National Coaching Co-ordinator (Speedway) (MC NZ)
1996 to 1998 Chairman New Zealand Solo Speedway Association Inc
1996 to date Tutor in Early English History, Continuing Education Programme, University of Waikato.
1997 to 1998 Sunday School teacher Te Awamutu Bible Chapel.
1998 to date Actor in Creative Ministries, Te Awamutu Bible Chapel
1999 to date technology columnist for Waikato Business News
Honorary Life Member of Jazz Preservation Society (NZ)
Member of MZ-NZ Owners Club
Member of Auckland Motorcycle Speedway Riders Club
Member Ulysses Motorcycle Club (Waikato Branch)
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