Southern Phoenix

Once upon a time, as traditional stories are wont to begin, I knew myself. I was comfortable in my skin, in my thoughts, in my beliefs. I was who I knew I should be, and to hell with any who told me otherwise.

Along the way, I lost myself. I allowed others to tell me who to be, to force me to change my body, to tell me my beliefs were wrong, to cloud my judgement. To hell with my desires, my convictions. Somehow, I allowed myself to be a pawn for others and their needs.

No more.

I have crashed. I have burnt. I have shed tears, lost sleep, and asked how I have come to be at this place.

Rising from the ashes of my former life, I am the phoenix reborn. No longer will I tolerate this. Here I resume my flight.


In The Beginning - 28 March 2009

A Different Type of Pride - 9 April 2009

The Shape of My Prison - 13 April 2009