Fire^n^Ice's Forest

Click on the buttons above to see the rest of my pages. I gotta get around to naming those buttons lol.

Ok...its official I am back! I had lost my new and old Id's to run this site but today I was going through some stuff and I found it! THREE YEARS LATER MIND YOU! It must be fate-this site is going to be about Wicca/Paganism like it always has, but will be more about the down to earth reality of living Wicca or Witchcraft- not fancy rituals and circle making. I for one don't think a circle is necessary.

I will re-set up a new guestbook and fix the email address and will welcome questions and suggestions for this site. If you'd like to email me with questions on Paganism
or Wicca I'll do my best to answer them...also I'd love to
hear from people about how you celebrate holidays such as
the one just gone
in Australia was Imbolc. I did celebrate it but I didnt light any candles or incense or anything...just a minor celebration is all I had time for and yes I slacked off on the spiritual side of last Samhain also...and didnt even get to celebrate Yule at all.

Let me know how you celebrate and any Crafty ideas you have
or wreaths...etc. Just remember ideas must be your own original thoughts and not from some book or someone else's copyrighted ideas for copyright reasons etc unless of course you seen something groovy in a book and want to let other pagans know about it-just list the title, author, publisher of the book and I will put it on this website. Along the same lines if you love a Witchy/Pagan book let me know and I'll put up a suggested reading list (don't forget to tell me why you love it). Mostly though I would like to hear how YOU celebrate and what original ideas of your own you incorporate into your celebrations etc(sending me these ideas etc automatically gives me permission to post them-though I will credit you with your name and email address if you like). You never know your ideas
might end up on this page helping other fellow pagans...Thanks.

If you want to sign my scroll....its a safer bet to email me
instead for now....I have yet to get a new working Guestbook this one guestbook wont work.

If you see something on this page that is yours and you would like
me to credit you or remove it email me, bear with me for a while folks until I am able to redo this website.

You are seeker number.

© 1998, 1999, 2000