The Eleusinian Mysteries:

Healing and Transformation

An introduction:


The Road to Eleusis

In Southern California

Just where did this idea come from?

Since it's inception in the Fall of 1990, the Road to Eleusis has seen many changes. In the beginning, there were two primary forces hard at work in the universe. While they both shared a common goal, self discovery, they were to come together with one common desire, but...from two very distinct arenas .

In 1990, Katlyn Miller, a dedicated researcher, found herself in a very fortunate experience. She located, and was able to attend a tour/initiatory journey to Greece. It was being facilitated by Deena Metzger. This tour was to explore and through psycho-drama and other techniques bring it's attendees alive within the realm of the ancient mysteries at Eleusis. What a find!

At the same time, I had been busy at work, here in California researching and creating events based in the ancient Mysteries at Eleusis. After about 10 years of dedicated research (stemming from Aleister Crowley's Eleusinian mysteries), I met Katlyn through a mutual friend and the real work began for both of us!

When Katlyn shared her travel (both inner and outer) experience with me, I gave pause to reflect that there really wasn't any reason why this process (the inner stuff, anyway) couldn't be accessed right here on home turf. Mythology constantly reveals that the healing process is really pretty much the same from culture to culture. We agreed to get together and see what we could come up with.

Some of the ideas and concepts stem directly from Katlyn's work at Eleusis while attending Deena's tour. In particular, dealing with unresolved memories, sacrifice and purification. Some of the events and techniques derive from my study of initiatory methodology and the consistent formula found from culture to culture as it relates to mythology and healing unresolved grief, ie: anguish, fear and it's relationship to anger, or sorrow and it's relationship to love. Group facilitation in the realm of "grown-up children" has also been of some help.

Very shortly thereafter, we invited Travis Mead and Doug James to be involved. Their input was integral to the effort. Travis brought an air of knowledge and professionalism with a strong history and current avocation in the realm of Psycho therapy. Doug had the ability to keep us in touch with the language needed and the approach best employed to communicate our endeavor to a very selective audience.

Since those early days, so many wonderful people have come forward with numerous and refined skills and talents to enrich the program.

This year we will celebrate 9 years-running success. Each year about 25% of the group of 40 total are first-time attendees. Please feel free to contact me at the Email address shown in this presentation for information.

Gods Met Along

The New

Road to Eleusis

Secrets As A Duality

Karen James

The New Road to Eleusis

Secrets are interesting . Like an initiation of sorts, they test us in our loyalty to their keeping and in our strength to maintain silence. In healing the divine child, and working out the shadows which conceal our divine essence, there are two kinds of secrets we explore. They are rooted in two base emotions - love or fear! In the ancient mysteries, these are: ARRHETON (the ineffable) and APORREHETON (subject to the law of silence) .

In comparing the psychology and mythology of the mystery - we find a place for both in the journey to true Self. Within the family structure, we might find "sick" secrets, or those events and behaviors within the home or system about which we were told to keep silent. The silence came from fear of an outside force upon our little world. These in their dark nature could be called Aporreheton, or those subject to the family's mythology and laws implied. We kept those secrets under the duress of fearing what might happen if we talked! In the mysteries at Eleusis, this same law applied. While what was to be kept secret was not "sick", to tell could be catastrophic.

In searching for our divine child, we know that there will be an experience or break through that may be evident only to us from within, but cannot be verbalized or written in common language. This is ineffable, or a feeling or reaction to our experience that is so beautiful and true we cannot express in words. The term used for this experience in the ancient mysteries was an "epiphany" and the silence was referred to as Arrheton. This silence is kept, not through fear, but through the immense love we feel when we are met with the Holy Guardian Angel, or divine essence within. By tearing down the veils which shadow the divine, we are filled more constantly with the light of truth.

Chop Wood - Carry Water

This is the place where the whole thing really takes shape! No fire, no fun! Every evening we find ourselves being warmed on the outside by it's brightly colored flames...on the inside by the consciousness we share while gathered there. Be it The Bridge of Jests, or Drumming it all out...the fire is where it happens.

Within the terms of Chop Wood-Carry Water, there is a certain ethical transaction which takes place as a group of initiates are gathered in a common space. Everyone will share in the work of the weekend.

Should we deny the importance of this dedication, we would surely fall short of the goal!

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