My Wicca Page!!!

Last updated, Mabon (well, almost...) 1998

Wicca, as I've learned the hard way, is probably the most misunderstood of religions. It's not bad, as some like to think, but really pretty cool. Anyway, I think it's important for people to know what it's really all about, so click on these links to find out! (Most of it's from this really long report I wrote last year for school!)

The Goddess & The God
The Wiccan Rede
The Elements
Fact or Fiction?
Recomended Reading

Here's a list of some great pages on this topic!

This is the best site I've seen on Wicca! (Better than mine even, heehee...)

My Contribution to the Goddess (well, not mine, someone else's... aw just check out the site!)

I have the Yahoo!, AOL, and ICQ pagers if you wanna talk. Here are the names:
Yahoo! = Ripley2284 or GREEN_GRL
AOL = Ripley4822
ICQ = Sam, 15062182

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