Dated around 1650 BC, this
statue from vitrificated clay, was found at Knossos, Crete. It pictures the Snake Goddess.
Beautiful statue of Aphrodite
and Pan, found in the island of Milos, Hellas. (Around 100BC).
This copper statue of Athena
is, in my humble opinion, the most beautiful of her statues! (4th century BC).
This statue is called
'Kourotrophos' or 'She who feeds the child'. Clay
eidolion from the
acropolis of Sesklos. Has red coloured writting. (4300 -
3800 BC).
Young King Triptolemos is ready
to leave for his mission of teaching Humanity the Mysteries of Agriculture. Mother
Demeter on the left and Kore Persephone
on the right bless him.
This copper statue of Poseidon
(or Zeus?) was found in the sea, near Artemisio, Hellas.
Zeus Thunderbearer. Copper
statue from Dodoni. Zeus, the King of the Gods, holds his mighty thunder. (2nd half of
6th century BC).
This marble statue pictures
Hermes holding the baby Dionysos. Found in Olympia. (330 BC).
This beautiful stele, pictures
Athena meditating, leaning on her spear, and was found in the Acropolis of Athens.
(460 BC).
This beautiful copper statue of
Apollo is full of Apollo's beauty, strength and harmony. (6th century BC).
Athena in 'Gigantomachia'
(Battle of the Giants). Athena is here pictured holding one of her snakes as a weapon - wand of
death, ready to kill a Giant.
Ivory and Gold head of the
Goddess Artemis. Was found in Delphi. (6th century BC).
This clay eidolion is called
'The Dove Goddess'. It pictures the Great Mother with doves on Her head. (Around 1300 BC).
This copper statue of Hermes
was found at Marathon, Hellas. (4th century BC).
Bull's head, from silver and
gold. (1550-1500 BC). |
This beautiful 2.32m white
marble statue of a Sphinx was found in the Temple of Gaia at Delphi. (6th century BC).
This vessel pictures Goddess
Thetis and Pileas. Notice the Snake ascending Pileas's spine. ;-)
The famous disk of Phaistos.
The disk bears 45 symbols of Linear A script. (1700-1600 BC).
This is the famous Omphalos at
the Temple of Apollo, at Delphi. |
This marvelous copper statue of
"The Charioteer" is the finest specimen of sculpure on copper. (480-470 BC).
Sleman's Agamemnon. King
Agamemnon's golden funeral mask from Mycenae. (Around 1500 BC).
Gold Hexagonal compass. Bears
images of a hunt, with a lion, an antilope and many flowers.
This golden larnax held the
remains of King Philippos B of Macedonia, and was found at Vergina, Macedonia, Hellas.
This beautiful golden oak
garland was found at Vergina, Macedonia, Hellas and is dated back to the second half of 4th
century BC.