Resume of Barry Doolittle


Barry is currently located in Manila, Philippines.


Easy contact by email at:

International Cell / Text Phone:

001-63-919-308-2934 from the USA.


Computer Based Training (CBT) / Web Based Training

Senior Human Performance Technology Specialist




Provide service to the educational community as a computer based educational developer, Computer Based Training (CBT) skills and theory instructor, Web Based Training developer (WBT), or computer communication specialist with an international development organization or educational institution.



Target Job Title:

ISD Designer and Developer


Alternate Target Job Title:

Human Performance Technology Specialist


Desired Job Type:

Employee, Temporary/Contract/Project


Desired Status:

Full-Time, Part-Time, Hourly Contract


Desired Salary:

$25 per hour  (can be negotiated to $10/hour)


Site Location:

Remote from my office in the Philippines


Description of my

Perfect job

Providing a development organization or educational institution direction as a working manager of an educational distribution system. The next 5 years will see the same explosion of computer use in education that hardware platforms enjoyed in the early 80's. I can relocate at my own expense for the right opportunity.



Career Level:

Management (Manager/Director of Staff)


Date of Availability:







Company Size:

No Preference, large, small



Education, Training, and Library


Description of my

Ideal company

A major U.S. or international educational software development company. Either large or small with a need for a design and development person with several years of experience. I enjoy cross culture experiences. Entrepreneurial, established, public, private, or pre-IPO startup companies with current sales of over 1 million can all provide the need resources to build WBT. I can relocate at my own expense for the right opportunity.



Relocation an option

Contract from my location in Philippines preferred.








Internet Educational Systems Contractor

3/2002 - DATE

N-Tree Internet Training

& Software Development


Republic of the Philippines





Project Lead

1/2001 - 2/2002

United Defense LP

Minneapolis, MN


Senior Human Performance Technology Specialist
Project Leader, Logistics, Mk 45 Mod 4 Differences
United Defense LP, Armament Systems Division
Fridley, MN 55421-1498


Sr. Human Performance Technology Specialist

1/1995 - 1/2001

Government Contracts

VA, MD, and Wash. DC


I have been contracting through various companies specializing in development of human interfaces for educational systems. Designing and developing major startup projects and training my client company's staff to develop educational materials.


Sr. Human Performance Technology Specialist, CBT


12/1994 - 1/2001

Educational Programmer (CBT/CBI/WBI)

Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC


Human Performance Technology Specialist (HPT)

Human Performance Technology Specialist. Employee of Government Contractors in Virginia and Maryland, USA. Designing and developing educational materials for the Aviation Industry (ToolBook II version 7.1). Currently using Front End Analysis (Harless), Instructional Objectives Development (Mager), and student feedback design (Tosti).

University Instructor

12/1991 - 12/1994

Capitol University Center

Pierre, SD, USA


University Instructor. Capitol University Center, Pierre, SD. Instructor for introductory computer classes, advanced database administration classes, spreadsheet usage classes, and basic level word processing classes. Designed and developed Windows PC based CBT courseware used in university classes. Identified areas of classroom instruction that could be better presented through CBT. Developed lessons using the Unison Authoring System and integrated them into the course of instruction. Designed a computer testing system to use for student placement, evaluation and certification.


Senior Programmer Analyst

9/1991 - 12/1994

State of South Bureau of Personnel (BOP)

Pierre, SD, USA


Senior Programmer Analyst. State of South Bureau of Personnel (BOP), Pierre, SD. Designed, developed, implemented and maintained the Intelligent Scanner System (ISCAN). This system was designed to scan paper input, and store it as data files to be used on DOS based, IBM mainframe based, UNIX distributed databases, and South Dakota State Personnel Office desktop and laptop computers running Windows. Designed, developed, implemented and maintained the Computer-Based Instruction and Help (CBI/H) systems which delivered courseware to state employees throughout South Dakota. Developed real time electronic connections between South Dakota, Florida, Minnesota and Texas, which were used to keep databases for all state employee records.


Information Resources Manager / Computer Specialist

7/1990 - 8/1991


Huron, SD, USA


Information Resources Manager / Computer Specialist. USDA. Modernized computer operations and developed CBT materials to train FmHA state office employees and county office employees. Conducted specialized classes and seminars. Designed and implemented a computer system state wide.


Senior Programmer

3/1986 - 3/1991

SimuFlite International Division, CAE-Link, Singer Corporation

DFW Airport, Dallas, TX, USA


Senior Programmer. Computer Based Education Design and Development, SimuFlite International Division, CAE-Link, Singer Corporation; Dallas/FW, TX. Designed, developed, and maintained the SimuEdit authoring system used to deliver the CBT portion of business jet and military transport crew training for civilian and Air Force flight crews throughout the world. Supported and maintained the CBT and simulator used to train USA Air Force flight crew at Clark Air Base, Angeles City, Philippines. Designed, developed and implemented interactive video, digital audio, Multi screen real-time simulations that ran on WICAT hardware using the WISE authoring system. Maintained logistics and communication software developed in Informix. Established international communications network transmitting data between the Republic of the Philippines and USA mainland Air Force Bases.


Programmer, Educational Systems

7/1978 - 12/1986

Control Data Corporation, Educational Company

Minneapolis, MN, USA


Programmer, Educational Systems. Control Data Corporation, Education Company; Mpls. MN. Developed, programmed, maintained and provided consultant services to international organizations utilizing the PLATO Computer Based Educational System. The system, based on the research from the University of Illinois, became the grandfather of CBT/CBI today. The PLATO System involved an investment of over 1 billion-dollars by CDC as of 1986. Concepts developed and implemented within PLATO have become the basis for other CBT authoring systems throughout the world. Developed software using touch screen input, computer managed instruction (CMI), self-paced instruction, basic skill development, and computer generated educational prescriptions.






MA in Education


Marikina Institute of Science and Technology

Philippines-Luzon-Marikina City


Marikina Institute of Science and Technology; Marikina City, Philippines, (working on MA in Education). This degree is not completed yet.


Bachelor's Degree

(CBE and Communication)


Metropolitan State University

US-MN-St. Paul



University of Minnesota




Northern State University




Skill Name

Skill Level

Last Used



ToolBook II 7.1


Currently used

3 years


Database Managers: Oracle, Informix, dBase III+,


Currently used

15 years


Storyboard Development


Currently used

20 years


Story Board System Development


Currently used

15 years




3 years ago

2 years


CBT Development


Currently used

22 years




Currently used

20 years




Currently used

10 years




Currently used

15 years




Currently used

5 years




Currently used

3 years




Currently used

8 years




3 years ago

3 years


Quest Net


Currently used

1 years



Available upon qualified interview






obtained through

formal training.




Education Psychology
Practicum General Methods of Education
Spec Methods of Teaching Secondary Education
SM of Teaching Social Science, Art Education
Seminar in Art Education
Student Designed High Education Planning
Soc and Cult Found of Education
Psychology and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Organization and Management in Education



Educational Curriculum Dev (CBT)
Dev of Comp Man Inst
Comp Assist Inst (CAI) Design and Dev
Education Curriculum Design, Dev Fund, Education Curriculum Dev - Computer Based Education (CBE), Design and Development Interface
Management of Computer Managed Instruction (CMI).



Computer and Information Processing
Principals and Theory of Comp Programming
Oracle Programming and Database Managed Structure Query Lang (SQL)
DOS Memory Management
Unix System Programming and Admin
Informix 4GL Programming Unix 3B2 Mini Comp
Born/Korn Shell Script Programming Unix
Assembly Lang Programming Motorola 6000 series
Principals of Programming Pascal Programming
Principals of Programming 'C'



Programming in the Plato Author Lang (PAL)
Intro WISE Auth Lang
Intro Unison Auth Lang
IconAuthor Adv Author



Introduction of Psychology and Personal Adjustment
Sensation and Perception of Human Information Gathering
Voice Mail and Office Communication
Principals of Commercial Photography
Literature as Translated in Film for Education
Basic Journalism



Business Law 1 & 2
Management By Objectives (MBO)
Principles of Personnel and Industrial Psychology
Counseling and Interviewing Principles and Skills
Creative Problem Solving
Principles of Human Resource Development (HRD)

Life Design Directors Clinic

Operating Systems

UNIX, MSDOS, NOS, VAX, AIX, CP/M, SCO, Windows 3.0 – NT


Computer Languages

Unison, SQL, C, Oracle, Informix, Pascal, Tutor, USE, WISE, PAL, OpenScript



Lotus 123, Excel, VP Planner


Desktop Publishing

NCS OCR scanner tools, Scantron forms, GUIs, Harvard graphics


Word Processors

Word Perfect, Word Star, MS Word, DisplayWrite, Office 97-2000


Authoring systems

W/W Groups, IconAuthor, Unison, Wycat, PLATO, ToolBook II, Authorware, Quest.

Networks and Networking

Novell, PC LAN, Ethernet, Microsoft LAN Manager, Internet, IBM token-ring, ATT StarLan, modem communications and UNIX uucp


General Areas

Customer Service, Customer Support, Sales, Technical Presentations, Troubleshooting, Product training, Implementation, and remote administration of software systems. Experienced educator in many areas of skill and concept development.





Information Resource Manager


Farmers Home Administration, USDA

Owner And Operator

One California


Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


SofTouch Software Corporation

Property Manager And Chief Executive Officer (CEO)



Founder And Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


Ecology Up Corporation


Regional Manager


National Farmers Organization Corporation

Owner And Operator


MiniNews Corporation

District Manager


Field Enterprises Educational Corporation

Partner And Business Manager


Mini Morning News Corporation

College Unit Director


Northwestern Mutual Life Corporation

Area Sales Manager

West Bend Corporation