Haiku In Nature

These Haiku were written by me!

These Haiku are things found in and about nature.

Eagles dance upon

the mighty azure blue sky

with fluffy white clouds

Elephants are gray

males have great Ivory tusks

they are endangered

Turtles carry shells

upon their back is their home

they travle slowly

Snakes slither around

on slender leggles bodies

are great reptiles.

Rainbows arc across

the mighty azure blue sky

multi-colored hues

Springtime, fancy free

gardens grow, birds sing sweet songs

a time for lovers.

Summertime is when

fireworks boom in the sky

baseball is played too.

Wintertime is when

fluffy flakes fall from the sky

snowmen built with friends

Autum is a time

the leaves are colorful hues

orange, yellow, red.

I hope that you enjoyed reading my poems as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Please come again!

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