I wrote these!(They are all clean)

this section is a work in progress! If you have any limericks that are tasteful

please send the to me at:tomcruiserocks@mailcity.com

To write a limerick, the first second and fifth line must rhyme and the third and four lines must rhyme.

The following is an example.

There once was a man named Ted

who likes to stay in bed

he did fall asleep,

with little Bo Peep

then they both woke up in the shed.

There once was a girl named Tara

who likes to wear blue mascara

she would cry and would cry

when it got in her eyes

then she would only wear her tiara

There was a woman named Carol

who liked her fish in a barrle

she wanted a trout,

but it wouldn't come out

so she went to see her friend Darryl.

There was a woman named Pat

who always purred like a cat

she would drink her skim milk

when she wore her blue silk

now she sleeps on a mat

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