Kelvin Chu's regretting all the stupid things that he has ever done, and he might as well as apologize for what stupid things he is going to do at the same time...
I've finally found that it is impossible to change my annoying ways, which includes making fun of people in a hurtful way; ignoring other people's feelings; finding out what makes the person annoyed/hurt and exploiting it so that I'm hated (which I still can't explain why I do it)
Actually, I think I can change my ways, but it'll probably be a long and gradual process, very long and very gradual
I'm thinking of some way of speeding up the process
Here's a list of the stupid things that I've done over the years, and lived to regret, but have no chance ever of being forgiven
- Having that stupid argument on the WY newsgroup. Some people may not know what happened: I had an argument with Chan Wai Cheung using the handle of "satirist", which mainly started from me correcting the english of other students. It gradually became a very heated argument between me and a few of the other students (I never knew who the others were, but one of them was chan wai, because he used his real name), and I was stupid enough to let others know my real identity. Then it became a personal attack on me. Everyone knew about it, even the teachers. Actually, they were annoyed not only by my correcting their comments, but also by my "HAHAHA" at the end of my messages. It actually started as a joke, but the author found it insulting. I shouldn't make excuses about this behaviour: it was mainly because I didn't get along very well with the other students, and they hated my guts, and I hated theirs; if we meet today, we would probably still hate each other's guts. One of the areas that I'll have to improve is not to be so blunt. Being blunt may not be a bad thing, but being blunt and also being offending... that's gone a bit too far. If I don't understand a way that a person's doing something, I should keep it to myself.
Reflecting on what one's done everyday really helps to iron out the annoying things that one does. Here are some of the things that I must learn to do anymore or risk the death sentence from those who know me:
- I must learn to be careful of what I'm saying
- I must remember what other people say and not ask the same question twice
- I must not be pulled down by these social difficulties and learn to cope with them, as I try to iron them out
- Your friends are the most important thing in your life.
- Try to be nice to everyone
- Reflect what you've done wrong everyday... and remember to remember to reflect on what you've done right everyday :)
- Smile :)
This is rather funny isn't it, writing about yourself :)
end of update 12-11-01----- got 2 examinations in 2 days...
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August, 1999