From the moment we met, I was captivated.
In the time that we've been together I
Have been blessed by your love.
You have given to me more than I
Could ever have imagined, or wished for.
I tried my best to keep you pleased, but I
Doubt that I even lived up to your dreams.
Making you feel like a goddess was always what I
Intended to do, for it is what you deserved.
If I did not manage to accomplish this, I
Hope that you may find the one who does.
I do not doubt you will find one to whom I
Pale greatly. I wish you the best of luck.
Now is the time for me too to move on. I
Pray that I may find one even half as wonderful
As you are. Knowing my luck, though, I
Will probably be on the road of singularity
Once more. But who's to say who I
May meet with. Who's to care as well?
All I can do is hope that you and I
Will remember the times that we have shared.
That you will remember the happiness I
Tried, so desperately, to give to you.
I pray that you will remember that I
Wished, for you, nothing but the best.
But truly, I wish that you and I
Could have worked out.
Just remember me.
That's all.

How see-through can i make myself be.
Whining, complaining, writhing chain-free.
One need not wonder what perpetuates my grief:
It is the fact that i make believe
That things are worse than they truly are,
As if i were the only one who was far
From being cherished as they wished:
Loved by all, and on all's to-pine-for list.
i make myself a wretched waste,
Pitiful to my own and other's tastes.
It's about time i get a clue
Before more realize what i do,
As with the sympathy that i claim i dont want fails,
What little truth there is left in my soul wails.

People can be so truly disillusioned.
They think that they have it so terribly tough.
They inquire, "What did I do to deserve this?"
Pondering (potentially purposfully) that they're,
Damned, Cursed, or Otherwise Bad Off.
Perhaps people pretend to be
More tragically troubled than they truly are.
We shouldn't always hold their hands,
Nor feed them with our fork.
We should give them what the really need:
A look into reality.
A few words of what they should be doing,
Instead of writhing in self pity:
Making of themselves what they want.

I have been witness to many peoples' pain.
This is what provokes me to write:
To provide a means for my own escape;
My pen is my mentor;
Paper my plump pyschologist.
This duo does for me
What I hope to be doing for others.
I try not to falter for my friends
Trust me to advise them well.
I fear, though, I may fall.
Though my concern does not lie with myself,
But with they who may be falling too;
Using me as their support.
I fear that they will come with me,
For I am far from fault-free,
And even farther from being able to help
Everyone's everything from going wrong.

I've been blessed by life's bounty:
Great friends.
The greatest of friends
Come from the least friendly circumstances:
There for you when you fall;
Your ear lended for listening
To their lode of problems and pains.
Your morals and beliefs tested,
Brains baffled,
When faced with a decision involving hurting them.
It is the one thing that any decent person
Cannot live with.
Disrespecting the sanctity of this trust
Is one of the most horrifying things one could do.
The few that top it contain
Not feeling
For facilitating or fabricating the aformentioned.
It is unattonable.

All the world a tumult.
Chickens with their heads cut off.
That is all we are anymore.
Instead of the trusty Nike,
We tread with Goodyears.
Replacing family dinners,
Comes fast food and microwaves.
Instead of stopping to smell the flowers,
We slow for the EZ-Pass.
Life's too good to let fly by.
Realize this.
Cherish every moment.
Take the rural route
Not the fly-by hi-way.
This is not a race.

There is one around every corner
On this walkway of wonder.
It's fantastically fickle.
This is what makes it great.
One can come from the bowels of despair,
And climb to the lap of luxury.
Yet missing a chance could cripple
One's dreams, hopes, pinings for worldliness.
Do not miss this chance,
You will know when you come to it.

The sun sets slowly in the speckled sky.
As dusk delivers dreams, I soundly sleep,
Thinking tender thoughts that oft make me weep.
Tears of remorseful joy fall from my eye.
The silent sparkling stars secure the still,
Watching the myriad dreamers repose,
Pursuing the pipe dream their pining owes:
Fabricated figments fathered at will.
Songbirds scold the quietude at the sun's word.
Dreamers dormant stir, roused by Apollo,
Lost from their minds what would fill their hollow.
The filling of which, til eve is deferred.
Phoebus paints pain for his sadistic whim,
Where Artemis disillusions the grim.

She holds me softly
When my eyes drift shut.
They open again
And I am back.
Back to life without her.
Back to reality.
I long
For her touch,
Even though I know
It is not real.
Living for the time
When next I may slumber;
When I can be
With her
Once more.

Her Love

I do not foresee it,
And i fear it;
Pine for it.
Loathe it, yet cherish
And hold onto it,
Even in the eye
Of the storm of doubt.

I've lost many things that I held dear.
So many times I've been so truly near,
To being completed, happy, and free.
But this cannot happen, not to me.

So many times I've showered with praise
They who touched me -- They never stay.
My life without them is filled with pain.
My life without pain would not be the same.

In my sleep I sometimes believe
That one will come and take my grief.
But these are dreams and nothing more,
As I am washed far, far from shore.

I sometimes wonder if any feel the same.
If any others have felt so much pain.
But there will be others and others' love.
I cannot be impatient, push, or shove.

Though my hope dwindles as the days pass
This feeling of nothingness cannot last,
For there will be others and others' touch
If I'm not impatient and I do not rush.

I want to make you feel safe,
Safe from the pain that you ere have felt.
I want to heal your hearts wounds,
Which, before, by others, have been dealt.

I want to protect you from wrongdoing.
I want to be your shelter in the storm.
I want to be there when you're not feeling well
So I may hold you and keep you warm.

There are things I know I can't control:
You have ere been dealt a mediocre hand;
That I'm less than perfect by quite far;
And my feelings, I cannot command.

I know the things that you've been through
Weigh heavy on your tender heart.
I want to touch you like you touch me
So that, in your life, I can play a part.

When you say that I could do better
I feel as if I haven't made my message clear.
It is you that I have found to be wonderful.
It is you that I most profoundly revere.

If you will it, I will give you time,
As much time as you need.
I will be your friend despite destined
Outcomes that make my soul grieve.

I write this with worry, doubt, and fear,
For these words which, on this page, I write
Must carry me until morning
Throughout the cold night.

Her hair blows sweetly in the morning breeze.
I touch her softly, and desire much more,
My life without her is life I abhor,
For it is she alone I wish to please.
Her beautiful lips I desire to kiss.
Am I, to her, so repugnant and bland
That she cast me off like a grain of sand?
The days of old are what I miss.
I cannot say in all truth what she sees,
But it was much ere that I caught her eye,
Now, away from me, she does often shy,
Yet still 'tis her that I wish to please.
I still know little what the future holds,
I can only watch as my fate unfolds.

The moonlight shimmers upon the water,
This sea where I ere had calmly sought her.
All of the past, though, is lost to the deep
So much remorse as to make loud my weeps.
How could a friend so steadfast and so true,
Take stake in hand and my heart drive right through?
Now is not, though, time for bitter hatred.
Now is time to put aside all my dread,
For she has not yet abandoned all hope
And she also knows who had tied the rope
That keeps from me her warm, tender embrace,
That keeps me from her brilliance and grace.
One day, I hope, this rope about my throat
Will break, and to the surface, our love float.