Welcome to my Guestbook! I will return all messages and visit all URL's. Thank You.

Lowayna (Long) Bingham - 07/23/00 23:48:44
My Email:ontly@earthlink.net
favorite movie: Fried Green Tomato's

I was so excited that I found your web page. I printed out some of your stuff to show my family. You have a very good web page. I live in Carrollton Texas now. I work for ExxonMobil Corp. I hope you and your family are doing well. Tell all your Buds hi for me.

Laura - 07/20/00 22:27:32
My Email:ljrosson@hotmail.com


- 05/07/00 03:33:16


Wild surfer - 02/04/00 14:45:23
My URL:http://hotyellow98.com/surferinakilt/jk.html
My Email:surferinakilt@aol.com
favorite movie: hmmmmm

Hey dude I really like your sense of humor original stuff that's something I seldom come across on the net. I would be very interested in chatting with you about possible linking our sites maybe. My site is wierd check it out maybe you will like it or may e you will want to burn me at the stake for building it. The site is http://hotyellow98.com/surferinakilt/jk.html

Shirley Braun - 12/13/99 21:49:58
My Email:sbrau1@jcpenney.com
favorite movie: Top Gun

Love your website,even though I left Porum at the age of four I know some history because of my parents who for the most part lived there all their lives. Keep up the good work, if I can be of any help, just holler. Shirley

stephanie - 11/14/99 18:35:11
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/shar/index.html
My Email:sharden_98@yahoo.com
favorite movie: hope floats

looks good.. i did sign your book ages ago.. jsut thought i would tell u its awesome looking.. to bad im not as good.... good luck and dont be a stranger

iplot class - 09/22/99 15:31:15
favorite movie: the ones you were in

wayne, we were just looking at your page its cool see ya.

Greg Hornbuckle - 08/25/99 19:42:01
favorite movie: Six Sense

Dear Wayne I Really Miss working for you. So far I've never enjoyed a job,as much as the one working for you.

Greg Hornbuckle - 08/25/99 19:38:24


- 07/31/99 17:04:36


Jazz - 07/08/99 16:15:24
My URL:http://www.freespeech.org/funnybone
My Email:webmaster@thefunnybone.zzn.com
favorite movie: Anything funny

Hi there! I love this site! Made me laugh out loud (that's kinda embrassing when you're in a lab full of people). Keep up the great work. I enjoyed looking at the movie photos. *grins* Hope to see you around my site! Cheers and Laughter, Ruth aka Jazz =)

Lana - 06/09/99 17:17:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/FoxyLana/enter.html
My Email:foxylana@yahoo.com
favorite movie: Gone with the wind


ron-o - 05/23/99 23:53:44
favorite movie: saving private ryan

egomaniac. other site is wise, this one is silly.

Shane King - 05/13/99 23:38:37
My Email:spacecwby@usa.net

Hi Wayne, I like your web page. I am at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO training with the Army Corps of Engineers. They have different rules on construction than everyone else. I couldn't find the CEAL program you requested. The army uses a different system now. I'll pro ably see you before too long. your friend, Shane

Kojak - 02/20/99 06:25:26
My Email:kojak_29@yahoo.com
favorite movie: Die Hard

Truly enjoyable page.. Especially that part directed at "Mr. Cluck"...lol....later

Lil Sis - 01/08/99 04:02:11
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/9074


Heavy T - 11/09/98 03:41:34
My Email:wacojoe@okazalea.net
favorite movie: sponge bath 2 The begging

Ain't noth'n but ah G thang.This here remind me of my youth.When a thang was ah thang and the womens be womens.I's been ins severals photographic pictures.I's knows what it takes to be up for the man hours at a time.

- 10/30/98 03:08:14


10/26/98 06:14:58
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Shiloh - 10/17/98 01:49:49
My URL:/~shiloh53
My Email:ss53@rocketmail.com
favorite movie: Braveheart

I liked the Elen Picture, but I couldn't see all of the Demi pictures. It only showed the top part.

ciara - 09/30/98 01:15:08
favorite movie: Saving Private Ryan

Just getting a sneak peak at your pre-oscar picks for next year.. sorry you won't get my list till next year.. *grin* love the changes and additions you have made.. keep it up!!! *still smiling*

De Ann Pepin - 08/23/98 22:42:21
My Email:deann@exploremaine.com
favorite movie: Forrest Gump

Love your homepage. It's heartbreaking as well as heartwarming. You have a lovely family and I think you are a wonderful father. As a displaced Okie, I enjoyed your Oklahoma portion. The animation is delightful. Keep up the good work!

Donna Lynn - 08/15/98 18:05:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9074
My Email:bdcstin@ims-1.com
favorite movie: still not Titanic

I had no idea someone in my family was so famous! Can't wait to see your next production! P.S. Maybe you could get me a bit part in one of your future movies......since you're in with all the big guys!

Debi - 07/29/98 01:19:04
favorite movie: Brave Heart

Wayne I love this page!! LOL.. i can't stop laughing.. keep it up.. cannot wait to see more!

Fargo fan - 07/27/98 02:49:07
favorite movie: Armageddon

Whoa Momma, fun-nee, Steve Buscemi as "Tom Cruise" is an original idea. Found you on G.O.D.

Donna - 07/26/98 22:23:27
My Email:bdcstin@ims-1.com
favorite movie: too many to mention..still not Titanic..haven't seen it.

Super cool page. Very, very funny. Award material!

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