Bernard was the pen name of a one of Britain's foremost teachers of spirituality and metaphysics. He is known and lovingly remembered for the series of "Heaven" books written in the 1940s. Bernard ran the Thought Bricks Teaching Centre, based in Cornwall, from the 1940s until his death in 1994. He produced a phenomenal output of work, including over 2,000 editions of his journal, Bernard's World News.
This website is a tribute to Bernard and his writings and endeavours and will become the largest online library of his writings.
I am safe, safe with Thee,
Safe for all Eternity.
Not one loss, but many may
Come to me throughout life's day,
But I'm safe, all this I see;
Safe for all Eternity!
Now I sing in joyous phrase
For the loss that once would raise
All my sighs, instead of praise!
When I rise, Thy angels near
Whisper softly; 'Have no fear'.
This I can say with glad smile,
Fear has gone, not for a while
But for ever, for I see
Safe I am eternally!
by Bernard