The Line of Adam
God created Adam on the sixth day of
Creation, Anno Mundi 1, probably about
5500 BC (!Africanus).
From the rib of Adam He formed the first woman, Eve.
Adam (1-931 AM), m. Eve
Seth (231-1143 AM), m. Azûrâ,
his sister
Enosh (436-1341 AM), m. Noam,
his sister
Cainan (626-1536 AM), m. Mûalêlêth,
his sister
Mahalalel (796-1691 AM), m. Dînâh,
dau. of Barâkî'êl, son of Enosh, above
Jared (961-1923 AM), m. Bâraka,
dau. of Râshûjâl, son of Cainan, above
Enoch (1123-1488 AM), m. Ednâ,
dau. of Dânêl, son of Mahalalel, above
Methuselah (1288-2257 AM), m. Ednâ,
dau. of Âzrîâl, son of Jared, above
Lamech (1475-2228 AM), m. Bêtênôs,
dau. of Bârâkî'îl, son of Enoch,
Noah (1663-2613 AM), m. Emzârâ,
dau. of Râkê'êl, son of Methuselah, above
Shem (2165-2765 AM) (whence Semite)
Arphaxad (Arpachshad) (2265-2880
AM), m. Râsû'ejâ,
dau. of Elam, son of Shem, above
Cainan (Kenan) (2400-2860
AM) *, m. Mêlkâ
Shelah (Salah) (2530-2990
AM), m. Mû'ak, dau. of
son of Arphaxad, above
Eber (Heber) (2660-3164
AM) (whence Hebrew)
Peleg (2794-3133 AM)
Reu (2924-3263 AM)
Serug (3056-3386 AM), m. Mêlkâ,
dau. of Kâbêr, son of Peleg, above
Nahor (3186-3394 AM)
Terah (3265-3470 AM)
Abraham, next
Sarah (Sarai)
AM) (by other wife), m.
Abraham, next
Abraham (Abram) (3335-3510
AM), m. Sarah, above
Isaac (3435-3615 AM), m. Rebekah
Jacob (Israel, Saturn of Crete),
King of Goshen (3495-3642 AM) (whence Israelites),
m. Leah
Judah, King of Goshen (whence Jews), who had twins by Tamar
Pharez (Perez)
Nahshon, next
Elisheba, m. Aaron
Salmon (Sala)
David, King of Israel (1041-971 BC)
Solomon, King of Israel (-930 BC)
Rehoboam, King of Judah (971-913 BC)
Abijam (Abijah), King of Judah
Asa (Asaph), King of Judah (-870
Jehoshaphat, King of Judah (908-848 BC)
Jehoram (Joram), King of Judah
Ahaziah, King of Judah (863-841 BC)
Joash (Jehoash), King of Judah
Amaziah, King of Judah (822-767 BC)
Uzziah (Azariah), King of Judah
Jotham, King of Judah (773-732 BC)
Ahaz, King of Judah (753-716 BC)
Hezekiah, King of Judah (741-687 BC)
Manasseh, King of Judah (709-642 BC)
Amon, King of Judah (664-640 BC)
Josiah, King of Judah (648-609 BC)
Jehoiakim (Eliakim), King of
Judah (634-598 BC)
!Genesis 5:1-32, 10, 11:10-32, 17:17, 20:12, 21:1-5, 23:1, 25:26,
29, 35:23-28, 38 (1-25)
!Chronology of the Biblical Patriarchs
!1 Chronicles 1, 2:1-15, 3:1-16 (1-52)
!Ruth 4:12-22 (24-34)
!Luke 3:31-38 (1-34)
!1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, and various appendices
in Bibles for royal chronology
Book of Jubilees (1-25, especially for wives) (see also !Pool,
with primary sources here)
* Cainan is found in the Septuagint
and attested in Luke 3:36, but omitted in all other Old Testament texts.
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[sources] version 2 Feb 1999, by Luke Stevens