Arielle Marguerite Rece
"Remember, this is how I started out."
This is an update in the life of Arielle. We are thankful to God for sending this little angel
to us and pray that she will continue to be in good health, grow in knowledge and will always be in spiritual harmony.
"Reckon how I got so cute and intelligent?"
"Do you want me to show you how to take the picture?"
"Let's see if we can find the 'Chucky Cheese' coins."
"We are at 'Chucky Cheese and I still can't find the coins."
"Oh, well, the cup tastes pretty good."
"Okay, we are out here enjoying the snow."
"Don't you think the winter weather is rough here in Georgia?"
"I'm looking forward to weather that will allow me to dress like this."
"I guess you thought I couldn't get up here and get my own sugar."
"Bernie and Hagan's playground. Of course Will, Virginia, and Arielle get to stay here, too"
Winterfest at the Rece's in Georgia