Copperhill Lodge Copperhill, TN
Welcome to the Homepage of

Copperhill Masonic Lodge # 656 F. & A. M.

Max Payne, Worshipful Master
P.O. Box 1064
Copperhill, TN 37317

1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:30 P.M.
All qualified bretheren are invited and encouraged to attend.
Copperhill Lodge # 656 operates under a charter granted by the
Grand Lodge of Tennessee

e-mail: Max Payne

Prayer List

Bill Tallent, our treasurer, who has been in the hospital and is at home recuperating. We pray that he will continue to improve and will be back with us soon.

Alma Chapman, wife of Fatie Chapman (our Tiler), who is in the hospital in Chattanooga on life support. Alma has cancer and the entire family needs our prayers and support.

Coming Events

Saturday, May 2nd, beginning at 10:00 A.M. and lasting untill ? Copperhill Lodge # 656 and Ducktown Lodge # 241 will be sponsoring a picnic for members and families. The picnic will be at Horseshoe Bend Park just above McCaysville past the trestle on the river. Hamburgers, hotdogs, and good fellowship.

Links to other sites of interest

Grand Lodge of Tennessee Homepage

Grand Lodge of Georgia Homepage

Grand Lodge of Alabama Homepage

Grand Lodge of North Carolina Homepage

Other Masonic Links


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