The Ideological Bent of the Dayton Daily News (1973-1997)

A Research Paper by Gregory Weston



1973 - Editorial is strongly in favor of busing, and attacks as "racist" the anti-busing Serving Our Schools (S.O.S.) party

Analysis - A liberal position far to the left of the people of Dayton, who elected S.O.S. members by large majorities throughout the 70's


1975 - Editorial opposes Gov. Rhodes's proposed bond issues and tax increase

Analysis - Fiscally Conservative


1977 - Editorial criticizes Congress for ending government funding of abortion through Medicaid

Analysis - Very Liberal, even the leftist-dominated "Watergate Class" that ran Congress in 1977 was opposed to using taxpayer dollars for abortions


1979 - Editorial in favor of a ten-cent bottle deposit

Analysis - Liberal, more then 75% of Ohioans opposed this measure in the election that year


1981 - Editorial opposing workers' compensation reform

Analysis - Moderate, workers' compensation reform was, and is, unpopular with the voters


1983 - Editorial praising those who backed the Sandinistas in Nicaragua civil war

Analysis - Very Liberal, the Sandinistas were the Soviets' Communist proxies in Nicaragua civil war, receiving up to 800 million dollars each year from the USSR and Cuba. It was later learned that the groups who spread positive publicity for the Sandinistas were controlled and funded by the Soviet Union


1985 - Editorial attacking Reagan's Supreme Court nominees

Analysis - Liberal


1987 - No ideological editorials in the first two weeks of November. The stock market crash and the horse race for both parties' presidential nomination were the main topics of the News' editorials.


1989 - Editorial criticizing Daniel Ortaga

Analysis - Normally criticizing a murderous Marxist dictator is not a very risky thing to do, but "Danny" Ortega was the darling of the leftist elite, praised by everyone form Ed Asner to Ron Dellums, but because the criticism in the editorial was qualified and mild, it only merits a moderate rating.


1991 - Editorial attacking Clarence Thomas

Analysis - Liberal


1993 - Editorial sharply criticizing Richard Clay Dixon and the Montgomery County Democratic Party for "Playing the race card"

Analysis - Conservative


1995 - Editorial criticizing Jesse Helms

Analysis - Liberals call Helms a jingoist and a racist, moderates call him devisive and old-fashioned, the editorial sounded more like the latter group


1997 - Editorial praising Senator Fred Thompson's proposal to abolish Federal Campaign Matching Funds

Analysis - Conservative, this position is diametrically opposed to what Common Cause type liberals believe in

The Dayton Daily News' Endorsements

Note: A "R," "D," or "I" after a candidate's name indicates his party, an asterisk ( * ) indicates an incumbent, a caret ( ^ ) indicates a challenger, and a tilde ( ~ ) indicates an open seat. Except where noted, the News endorsed the winning candidate.

M - McGee D*
C - Curran D*
C - Weber D~
C - Roach D~
C - Schierln D*
M - McGee D*
C - Currin D*
C - Zimmer D~
C - Roach D*
C - DeMaupassant D^ (Note: DeMaupassant was defeated by Republican Incumbent Abner Orick)
M - Leonard D~ (Note: Leonard's opponent, Patricia Roach, was also a Democrat)
C - Hartmann D*
C - Rininger D*
C - Henry D^
C - Roach D*
M - Leonard D*
C - Dixon D*
C - Capizzi D^
(Note: Capizzi beat the unendorsed Democrat Incumbent Richard Zimmer)
C - Henry D*
C - Orick R*
M - Dixon D*
C - Capizzi D*
C - Zimmers D*
C - Henry D*
C - McCracken I~
(Note: Endorsed Independent Charles McCracken was defeated by unendorsed Democrat Idotha "Bootsie" Neal)
M - Turner R^
C - Capizzi D*
C - Zimmer D*
C - Lovelace I~ (Note: Special Election)
C - Neal D*
C - Lovelace I*
M - Turner R*
C - Wiseman D
C - Lewis D (Note: One Democrat beat incumbent Abner Orick, another beat Mike Osgood for an open seat, to say which one beat whom is not meaningful)


Editorials: Six Liberal or Very Liberal, Five Moderate or Conservative
Commission Endorsements: All
29 Democrats
3 Republicans
3 Independents
Commission Endorsements: Open Seats or Challengers Only
12 Democrats
1 Republican
1 Independent

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