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On March 28th, 1998 Da Yoopers (an Ishpeming MI based musical comedy group) put on the first full concert of their latest tour at Kirtland Community College. I've been a fan of their musical comedy for years so I just had to go see them live for the first time. Naturally I brought a camera along in order to share the experience with all the visitors to this site.:) Unfortunately not all of the photos turned out to be good enough to scan, but enough of them did to put this page together. Enjoy them.

Taken in one of the calmer portions of the show. The one in the orange camo suit is Jim Bellmore, in the orange vest is the head honcho Jim "Hoolie" DeCaire, in the orange suspenders and plaid paints is Jerry Coffey. The rest I can't recall.

I don't recall exactly which song they were dancing to, but I'll wager it was one they call "Desperation Polka".

Can't remember what the heck they were doing here, and something tells me I don't want to know.:)

That's it, hope you enjoyed.

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